As of 14:00 today, 17,326 people were closely connected to the two water places, and 21,333 people were segregated.

Author:Chengdu Daily Jinguan Time:2022.08.30

According to Yang Xiaoguang, Deputy Secretary -General of the Municipal Government and Director of the Municipal Health and Health Committee, under the high temperature weather some time ago, there are many citizens' hydrophilic activities.In addition, personnel contact frequently, lack of personal protection, increased the risk of social communication.At present, the personnel of the above two places have been tracked and investigated. As of 14:00 today, a total of 17,326 people were investigated and 21,333 were sub -secret, all of which were implemented.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan Journalist Tian Jiechen Cao Yuyang Penge Editor He Qixie Editor Liu Yonghao

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