2022 China International Services Trade Fair Wen Bowen Creative Zone Highlights to see the first

Author:Beijing released Time:2022.08.30

The 2022 China International Services Trade Fair (hereinafter referred to as the service and trade association) will start from August 31st to September 5th at the National Conference Center and Shougang Garden. The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics is responsible for the Wenbo Cultural and Creative Zone of the Cultural and Tourism Service of the Service and Trade Association. The exhibition area is located at Hall 2 of Shougang Industrial Park with an area of ​​266 square meters.

Under the theme of "Cultural Relics, Creative · Life" theme of the Cultural Tourism Service Special Literature and Creative Zone, this time, the special theme of "Cultural Relics, Creative · Life" is highlighted, and the theme of "colorful cultural blog digital empowerment to bring the literary and open texts and innovation" has brought together 26 Beijing Museums of Beijing. 6 museum cultural and creative service companies and more than 10 digital technology service agencies participated in the exhibition. The exhibition area will comprehensively display the innovation achievements of the cultural and creative concept of the cultural and creative concept of the Beijing Museum in the Beijing area, focusing on highlighting the Beijing Cultural Expo with a benign mechanism for cultural and creative development with the main body of the museum, the company as the main body, and the authorization. Organic fusion.

This exhibition area will highlight the characteristics of the combination of dynamic and static and exchanges, and to meet the needs of the people's good life to serve the people's good life with "exhibition+sales". The development prospects of cultural and creative cultural and creative museums comprehensively show the special achievements of the museum's cultural and creative services for productization, life, sceneization, and internationalization. Through careful preparation and fine planning, the text and tourism services will present the following five highlights:

Highlight 1: Combination of exhibitions, experience the characteristic culture of the Beijing Museum in Beijing

The exhibition area will bring the public in Beijing with wonderful and high -quality cultural and creative products with the cultural characteristics of the museum, including "Shoubo Niu", Guozi Supervisor's Imperial Examination Series, "Yingri" series, ruler's feelings, railway locomotives, overseas Chinese and creative creative creatives , Twenty -four solar terms series cultural and creative, train Superman series, art expo collection series, 8+celebrities' former residence series, and so on. Through the form of centralized display and on -site sales, it not only further brought closer to the distance between the characteristics of the Beijing Museum's characteristic culture, the creative derivatives of the cultural blog, the IP image of Wenbo IP, and the public. At the same time, the cultural needs of "bringing museum culture home" are met.

Highlight two: Wenbo interaction, experience theme activities gathered to watch the popularity

In addition to appreciating the creative and high -value cultural and cultural products, the public can also participate in the museum's punch card collection activities on the spot, experience the cultural and blogger performance projects such as the bell performance, and experience the golden stone transmission, dyeing, embroidery and patchwork. Traditional craftsmanship. The exhibition area will show the "museum+" cultural and creative achievements through colorful interactive cultural activities, release the new vitality of the museum culture, highlight the historical and cultural value of Beijing, strengthen the "world style, Chinese style, capital standards, Beijing characteristics, ancient capital charm, charm, and charm of ancient capitals. Features of the "Museum" feature of the times.

Highlight 3: Digital Cultural Expo, release the latest achievements of digital cultural innovation in museums

The exhibition area will innovate the form of digital display, highlighting the achievements of digital cultural and creative application results of museum culture and technology integration, so that cultural and creative "move" and let cultural relics live. During this service and trade meeting, dozens of ingenious digital cultural and creative products of the Capital Museum, Tsinghua University Art Museum, Baita Temple Management Office and other cultural and cultural units will debut with the audience to make the collection of cultural relic elements break through time and space The limitation of the form of display forms the wings of digital technology for cultural relics, allowing the audience to feel the beauty of digital literary blogging in close interval, and make Beijing a model for cultural relics to survive.

Highlight 4: Exchange and integration, carry out hot topic exchange activities for museums

During this service and trade meeting, the Beijing Cultural Boat Destrey Innovation Incubation Center Platform, as a resource gathering and public service platform for the cultural and creative development of the city's museum, will focus on hot topic organization industry seminars and cultural and creative seminars such as cultural and creative space, digital cultural blogs, copyright protection and other hot topics. Communication activities such as the Resource Promotion Association, strengthen the communication and docking of cultural and cultural and creative enterprises and financial institutions, and promote the intersection and collision of innovative thinking in the field of literary and cultural innovation.

Highlight 5: Central focus, dynamically display the prominent results of Beijing Wenbo business

The stage curved LED screen of the innovation design center of the exhibition area interacts with the relevant visual audio equipment of the relevant visual audio equipment on the scene, focusing on the key task framework of "one axis, one city, two gardens, three zones, and one center, one center". The middle -axis application of the protection and the three cultural belts and other tasks are displayed and promoted, and the people's historical consciousness and cultural self -confidence can be further enhanced through the platform of the service trade association.

Picture source: Shougang News Center, Shougang Garden

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