The first opening of China Export high -speed rail train is of profound significance

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.08.30

Recently, China exported a group of high -speed EMUs and a group of comprehensive testing trains used for the Yawan high -speed rail. This is the first wholesale transport train of the Yawan high -speed rail, marking China's first export of high -speed rail trains that exported to foreign countries. (China News Network on August 23)

The meaning of the opening of the Yawan high -speed rail. As a masterpiece of overseas exports of high -speed rail in my country, the Yawan high -speed rail has attracted much attention since its construction. It is 142 kilometers in length and the total length of the main line is 279.4 kilometers. It is a fast channel connecting Southeast Asia in Indonesia. This project is the first project of the entire system, full factors, and industrial chain of China's high -speed rail. It is a powerful opportunity for China's high -speed rail to show the world to the world. It is foreseeable that after the route is opened to traffic, Jaca's travel time will be shortened from more than 3 hours to 40 minutes, which will be strategic in helping Indonesia's economic and social development and the development of the surrounding regional economic development. "High -quality development along the way provides more powerful support.

It is understood that the one -handling of a group of high -speed EMUs and a group of comprehensive testing trains this time was launched. As a preliminary arrival, the remaining part will be shipped to the destination in the later stage. Of course, this transportation is not easy, but it requires shipping and land transportation to transport in order to finally arrive. Nonetheless, CRRC Qingdao Sifang Company has formulated a strict transportation plan to plan through all aspects of vehicle resolution, protection, lifting, transportation, etc., and adopts high standards of protection measures to ensure vehicle transportation safety. After the vehicle arrives at the local area, it will carry out group debugging and delivery. It can be said that every step is carefully designed, and you can also see the sincerity and efforts of China's high -speed rail exported overseas.

The reason why China ’s high -speed rail can show its due quality on the Yawan high -speed rail project is that in recent years, our high -speed rail business has continued to achieve new breakthroughs and has been recognized at home and abroad. China's standard high -speed EMU train is not only a distinctive representative of the Chinese railway, but also a concentrated manifestation of China's comprehensive strength. At the beginning of construction, it was also difficult, but in order to complete this overseas order as scheduled, the Chinese team actively played the toughness of overcome difficulties and strived to overcome every difficulty and seriously found the best solution. Strengthen cooperation with Indonesia to ensure that the project has advanced steadily. While adopting a variety of advanced technologies, the Indonesian local culture is organically integrated into the new models, and the Chinese and Indian culture are organically integrated into one.

We all know that China Unicom and development are the core essentials of the “Belt and Road” initiative and the common expectations of Southeast Asian countries. The Yawan high -speed rail is not only a large -scale transportation project with global attention, but also a livelihood project that meets the needs of the people along the way. It has made the original occlusion of traffic, which becomes more unobstructed and the original situation of its own camp becomes interconnected and more prosperous. It is undeniable that after the line is opened to traffic, it can actually bring the visible benefits to the people, showing China's confidence and determination to build a community of human destiny.

At present, various international cooperation projects such as the Yawan High -speed Railway have been implemented one after another, and will be put into use one after another. Taking this as an opportunity, China and ASEAN, and even more countries will write a new chapter in win -win cooperation to inject strong momentum for stabilizing the global industrial chain supply chain and promoting the global economic recovery. It is believed that under the magnificent framework of the "Belt and Road" construction, relying on the Chinese high -speed rail, it will generate a larger economic circle and circle of friends. To achieve higher -quality development will gradually present us. (Text/Wang Road)

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