There are many pension fraud!The court teaches you how to "tighten" the pension wallet

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.06.19

In the face of huge pension needs, criminals seize the characteristics of lack of online knowledge and lack of ability to argue with the elderly, and under the banner of "serving the elderly", "care for the elderly" and "investing in the elderly", they have followed the elderly's pension " Money bag. Its scams are full of routines and are intertwined, and they have great confusion. Many elderly people fall into the "set", which leads to the hard -earned "pension money".

For the elderly, even if you are young, you must be a big deal. Today, the Meizhou Court of Guangdong notified the case of elderly fraud, exposing the routine of pension fraud, helping the elderly and their families to enhance the awareness of the rule of law, and improve the ability to identify and prevent pension fraud.

The "AB Club" model tricks the elderly to buy health products at high prices

"We will arrange the lecturer in the" AB meeting "mode, A will lecture and sells, and sells double -reconciled enzymes to middle -aged and elderly customers." The defendant Xiao made a confession.

First use invitations to recruit middle -aged and elderly customers to participate in the diagnosis and treatment sales meeting of the "Double Slot Sacrifice Factor". The videos of the lecturers who are fictional experts use a compiled video to teach health knowledge to middle -aged and elderly customers, and provide free blood testing on the spot; then pass the virtual virtual. The Hong Kong cell gene testing center website produces false test reports in the background. Expert lecturers use false test reports to explain the testing situation separately to customers, and fictional the treatment and rehabilitation effect of dual -reconciled factor on diseases, deceiving customers' trust, high prices towards high prices. Customers sell bilateral oscillating factor. A group of illegal elements use this method to sell 5072 boxes of "double -rest lycous factor" to a large number of middle -aged and elderly people at a price of more than 20 times the price, and the amount of fraud is more than 11 million yuan to get huge profits from it.

After hearing it, 11 people including the defendant Xiao Mou adopted the act of fabricating the facts and concealing the truth. The purpose was to make the elderly fall into a wrong understanding. Diseases, voluntarily purchased and delivered property at high prices, the defendant's illegal possession of other people's property is obvious, and the amount is huge, and its behavior has constituted a crime of fraud. The court then sentenced Xiao Mou and other 11 people to crime of fraud, and sentenced to 11 to two years in prison for 11 to two years, and fined 2 million yuan to 50,000 yuan.

The court pointed out that the routine and fraud "scripts" can be described as a progressive progress of the health needs of middle -aged and elderly people:

The first step is to use false publicity materials, videos, etc. to spread product -related health care knowledge through fictional experts;

The second step is to induce the elderly to participate in the health test of the elderly, fabricate or exaggerate the health of the middle -aged and elderly people, and cause the middle -aged and elderly people to worry about their health status;

The third step of fictional product efficacy, induced the elderly to promote the purchase of high -tech products or health products that can "apply the right medicine", and finally take the elderly's "old -age money" and "seeing a doctor".

The judge reminded the majority of middle -aged and elderly people: Don't be greedy for small profits, trust the so -called experts, authority, high -tech, blindly try various drugs and health products to avoid hurting and hurting money. If you are unwell, you must inform your children in time and go to a regular medical institution for inspection. It takes scientific and effective treatment and health care methods in order to truly protect your physical health.

Text/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Articles of Association Correspondent: Zhong Yuanyuan Tu/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Reporter: Mo Weipun Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Editor: Zhang Yingwu

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