"Entrusted New Era of Joining New Era · Da Mei Border" Jilin: New frontiers of building industrial prosperity, ecological beauty, and rapid development

Author:Jilin Daily Time:2022.06.19

Jilin is a multi -ethnic province in the border offshore with a total of 1438.7 kilometers. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Jilin has implemented the requirements of high -quality development, further promoted the actions of prosperous people in Xingbian, expanded the opening of the edges, and vigorously supported the accelerated development of ethnic regions, showing new new and high -quality development of industrial prosperity, ecological beauty, rapid development, and good life. situation.

This is Guangdong Village, the border village of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture. The scene depicted by the "Hailan River" in the song "Red Sun Zhejiang" is widely sung. Right now, the 170 hectares of rice fields are just right. In the past, there were scattered species here, and there were no good varieties, and it was difficult to form a scale. With the strong support of the local government, Guangdong Village has achieved green and organic standardized planting. Organic rice has also registered the brand, and the price has doubled. At present, 8 counties and cities in Yanbian Prefecture have built organic rice production bases, with an annual output of 250,000 tons, forming 25 rice brands, and also exported to overseas markets.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Jilin has continued to promote the actions of prosperous people in Xingbian. Tonghua, Baishan and other places have built characteristic industrial bases such as ginseng, edible fungi, and oxen, and forming the industrialization of "one village, one industry", "one village and one product" border area. pattern.

In order to protect the long -term white forest sea on the border of the eastern border of Jilin, Jilin has completely stopped the rating of natural forest commercials and expanded green vegetation. The year of the good ecology has increased the proportion of local air excellent days to 94%. Since the pilot of the Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park, the number of Tiger and Leopard in Northeast China has also increased year by year.

In the core area of ​​Changbai Mountain, relying on rich ice and snow resources, a ski resort was relocated through ecological immigrants. The surrounding villagers ate "ice and snow tourism rice", and their lives became richer and richer.

Jilin also plans to build nine national open cooperation platforms such as the "Spring Marine Economic Development Demonstration Zone", open three Central European trains including "Changyou Europe", and strive to build a demonstration zone in the Northeast opening.

Zhang Chunda, deputy director of the Jilin Provincial Development and Reform Commission: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Jilin Province has strived to use the advantages, environment, ecology and other advantages in the border areas, and vigorously implement the project of prosperous people. In the future, we will continue to enhance the vitality of the development of border areas and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Party with practical actions.

Source: CCTV

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