Beijing's latest notice!

Author:Guangming Daily Time:2022.06.19

On the afternoon of June 19, Beijing held a press conference on the 370th epidemic prevention and control press conference to report the latest situation.

Xu Hejian, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, director of the Municipal Government News Office, and spokesman for the municipal government, introduced that as of 24:00 on June 18, the number of new cases on the Beijing New Guanye pneumonia epidemic has declined for 5 consecutive days. The capital of the capital has been effectively controlled in general, the spread of society is basically blocked, and the epidemic has entered the ending stage. However, today I just detected another case of social diagnosis to give the capital epidemic prevention and control to warn: the more they reach the end of the closing stage, the more they must be more vigilant and the more they must prevent death.

Liu Xiaofeng, deputy director of the Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced that from 00:00 to 24:00 on June 18, one of the new native new native pneumonia virus infected was added in Fangshan District to isolate observers. From 00:00 on June 19th to 17:00, one of the new local new crown pneumonia virus infected was added to the social screening staff in Changping District.

According to Liu Xiaofeng, a new case of social face -faced cases in Changping District today reminded that the local area of ​​Beijing still has sporadic hidden infection sources. It is necessary to continue to consolidate the difficult and control results, prevent looseness, vulnerabilities, and rebounds, and strengthen the traceability of flow traceability. , Conne by information such as information crossing, landing control and other links, and strengthen the inspection and control of risk points of risk personnel and points, especially the risk points of personnel intensive places. Essence

Liu Xiaofeng said that he continued to strengthen the management and service protection of the sealing control area, centralized isolation, home isolation standards management and service guarantee, strictly implemented prevention and control measures such as nucleic acid testing, antigen self -testing, and health monitoring, and strengthen personnel and environmental risk assessment during unblocking. Improve the normalization prevention and control system, compress and compact the "Quartet responsibility", increase supervision and inspection, strengthen dynamic management of personnel in key areas, key units, and key industries. Do a good job of daily cleaning and disinfection. Community (villages), units, buildings, "seven small" stores, entertainment venues, commercial supermarkets and other public places must strictly measure the code scanning and check the negative certificate of the 72 -hour kernel acidic acid to ensure that "every entry must sweep, every sweeping must be necessary , Do not miss one person ", promote the construction of a" epidemic -free community ".

(Zhang Siqi, a correspondent of Guangming Daily All -Media Corporation)

Source: Guangming Daily All -Media Reporter Dong Chengcheng Correspondent Zhang Siqi

Editor -in -chief: Wang Yuanfang

Editor: Xing Yanyan Sun Yan

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