Fully top, can be done, accurate and efficient!Ningbo introduced a policy of stabilizing the economy's package

Author:Ningbo Evening News Time:2022.06.19

Steady economy! On the basis of the previous "47 Policies", the city recently issued the "Implementation Plan for Implementation of the Implementation of a Policy and Measures for the Economic Package" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), which further focuses on key areas and increases policy support. Let the policies pour as soon as possible to the most needed places in the market, seize opportunities, accelerate development, and ensure the completion of the annual set of target tasks.

In accordance with the principles of comprehensive topping, being able to come out, accurate and efficient, refine 16 measures, and strive to stabilize the economy and help enterprises to rescue.

In terms of finance, our city will further reduce real estate tax and urban land use tax. Except for policies issued by the state and province, the four major industries of industries that have been seriously affected by the epidemic, cultural and physical entertainment, transportation, and tourism of the world are used Half a half -levying real estate tax and urban land use tax for 2022; for all small and medium -sized enterprises that have a temporary difficulty in the affected by the epidemic, the individual industrial and commercial households who are insured by the unit, catering, retail, tourism, civil aviation, highway waterway railway transportation Waiting for the five specialty industries and other special industries prescribed by the state, the implementation of three social insurance premiums was implemented in stages, and the slow payment period was extended to the end of 2022. Among them, the slow payment period of the five special industries and unemployment insurance premiums did not exceed 1 year.

At the same time, the city will increase government procurement support for small and medium -sized enterprises and reduce the operating costs of enterprises. In particular, in terms of increasing the deduction of rental rents, encouraging various types of operating real estate owners during the epidemic to reduce rent for the trapped enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. Correspondingly reduced rental real estate tax and urban land use tax for 2022. The chamber of commerce, associations, and offices rent state -owned houses with small and micro enterprises.

In addition, our city will also strengthen financial bailout assistance, single -column emergency financing scale amount, and give SME emergency financing support; for enterprises that are temporarily difficult to operate in the affected situation, adopt unsecured loans, extension repayment, installment repayment, and repayment, and repayment, and repayment, and repayment, and repayment, and repayment, and repayment, and repayment, and repayment, and repayment, and repayment, and repayment. During the exhibition period, no repayment of renewal loans; reduce the cost of comprehensive financing, the financial institutions in the jurisdiction have implemented the cost reduction of expenses, and encouraged the legal person banking institutions in the city to reduce interest and exemption for enterprises that have a greater impact on the epidemic.

Key project investment is the "cockpit stone" of economic development. In this regard, our city will accelerate investment in key areas, strengthen the planning of new special bond projects; promote the construction of major water conservancy projects such as the Daijiang embankment and Qingxi Reservoir; guide agricultural operating entities and social capital to greenhouse greenhouses, storage and fresh facilities and other modern facilities. Agricultural construction, improving the capacity for emergency protection of important agricultural products such as food; promoting the construction of the Third Phase of the Tongsujiayi Railway, the Hangzhou -Ningbo Reproduction Line, and the promotion of substantial progress in the initial period of the projects such as the reunion line and the Beilun Railway branch line. "Good rural roads" construction; promote the construction of a number of expressway projects such as Puzhou Avenue; plan to implement 22 new and 55 old -fashioned future communities; promote the "clean air" project; strengthen the supporting construction of logistics infrastructure, and continue to build a national logistics hub.

In order to further promote the vitality of consumer, the "Plan" clearly states that the consumer market will increase the strength, expand the issuance of consumer vouchers, and increase consumer preferential consumption of large consumer goods such as home appliances, automobiles, and furniture; Tickets and other measures attract more business flows and passenger flow; encourage bank institutions within their jurisdiction to carry out consumer activities such as consumer vouchers, digital RMB red envelopes, and card brushes.

In terms of employment and employment and people's livelihood, our city will also carry out "pocket" services. The "Plan" clearly increases the proportion of returning large enterprises to 50%; the invasive enterprises that are seriously affected by the epidemic will temporarily issue one -time reserved training subsidies according to standards; enterprises recruit graduates of college graduates of the year, sign labor contracts to sign labor contracts If you participate in unemployment insurance, one -time expansion subsidy will be issued at a standard of 1500 yuan/person, and you will not enjoy the one -time attracting employment subsidies. At the same time, innovatively launched a combination of financial products such as "salary insurance", "stable business insurance" and "flexible insurance" to support employment policy.

In order to implement the policy, our city will establish a policy service system, carry out "precision services for thousands of cadres to help enterprises", and provide policies to the enterprise in all aspects, strengthen policy publicity consultation, expand policy knowledge, ensure that it is ensured that to ensure that policies and knowledge are ensured, ensuring Enterprises should enjoy and enhance their sense of gain.

Reporter Xie Bin

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