The third meeting of the Presidium of the 12th Party Congress of the Provincial Congress

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.06.19

On the evening of June 19, the Presidium of the Twelfth Party Congress of the Provincial Congress held the third meeting at the East Lake Hotel in Wuhan.

Wang Menghui, Wang Zhonglin, Li Rongcan, Erkejiang · Tarahong, Wang Yanling, Hou Yan, Guo Yuanqiang, Xu Zhengzhong, Zhang Wenbing, and Dong Weimin attended the meeting.

Wang Menghui chaired the meeting.

The meeting listened to the report of the secretariat of the conference on the report of the 12 -time provincial party committee members, alternate members, and provincial disciplinary commission candidate candidate list. , Submit the pre -selection of each delegation.

The meeting listened to the secretariat of the conference on the report of the delegation of the delegation to discuss the list of the candidate list of the candidate for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Hubei Province. Submit the pre -selection of each delegation.

The meeting listened to the report of the secretariat of the conference on the recommendation of the pre -election and formal election of the prisoner of the delegation, passed the list of pre -elected prisoners and director tickets; the list of official election of the prisoner and director ticket (draft ), Submit a delegation for review.

The meeting heard the report of the secretariat of the conference on the reports and amendments of the 11th Provincial Party Committee's reports and amendments, and passed the resolutions (draft) on the report of the 11th Provincial Party Committee, and submitted the delegation for consideration.

The meeting listened to the secretariat of the conference on the report of the work report and amendment of the 11th Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the amendment of each delegation, passed the resolution (draft) of the work report of the 11th Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, and submitted the delegation for review.

The meeting passed the report of the collection, use and management of party fees in the province, and submitted the delegation for review.

Source: Huang Junhua and Wang Xin of Hubei Daily All Media

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