31 ℃!The thunderstorm appeared on Monday, it was still hot!

Author:Harbin News Network Time:2022.06.19

The latest estimation of the Harbin Meteorological Department predicts that on the 20th, thunderstorms in Harbin City, although thunderstorms appear again, they still cannot stop the temperature rise, and the highest temperature in the main urban area will rise to 31 ° C. The highest temperature in the next three days will be between 30 ° C and 32 ° C, and sunscreen products will become necessary.

19日早起还是多云天儿,不到中午太阳就拨开云层,展示它的实力,截至15时,除了偏南地区受降水影响最高气温在25℃左右,哈市其他地区最高气温普遍在28℃到30 ° C.

It is expected that the thunderstorm weather in the main city on the 20th, especially at night, may be accompanied by strong convection weather. On the 20th, you must have an umbrella for travel, and sunscreen and rain. It should be noted that the wind is large from the 20th to the 21st, with an average wind of 4 to 6, and level 7 or above.

In the next week, Harbin City is clear and rainy, and the temperature will remain high in the early stage.

On the 20th, there are thunder showers during the day. The southwind is 4-5, and the highest temperature is 31 ° C. At night, there are thunderstorms at night, 3-4 in the southwest wind, and the lowest temperature is 21 ° C.

On the 21st, it is cloudy during the day, the west wind is 4-5, and the highest temperature is 32 ° C; the night is sunny, the west wind is 2-3, and the lowest temperature is 21 ° C.

On the 22nd, the clouds are cloudy, and the west wind is 2-3, and the highest temperature is 30 ° C; at night, cloudy, southwest wind 2-3, the lowest temperature is 18 ° C.

UV strength level 4

On the 20th, the thunder showed light rain, the thickness of the ultraviolet rays was strong, and it had a certain impact on the human body. Pay attention to taking certain protective measures when going out.

Air pollution diffusion Meteorological condition index: good

Meteorological conditions are conducive to the dilution, diffusion and removal of air pollutants.

A comfort index level 2

On the 20th, the thunderstorm turned small rain, the temperature was high, the wind was slightly strong, slightly hot, and generally comfortable.

Source: Harbin News Network

Reporter: Chen Yue

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Edit: Ma Yunpeng

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