[Implement the spirit of the Provincial Party Congress] Tangkou Town held the implementation of the spiritual lecture on the 13th Provincial Party Congress

Author:Yangxi Rong Media Time:2022.06.19

On June 13, Tangkou Town held a spiritual lecture on the implementation of the 13th Provincial Party Congress.

At the meeting, the lecturer Chen Qinghua lecturer of the Propaganda Department of the Yangjiang Municipal Party Committee led the town's cadres and employees, the village (community) party (general) branch secretary to review the development history of Guangdong Province in the past five years, analyze the situation in depth, and deeply learn the tenth of the provincial province. The rich connotation and spiritual essence of the three party congress reports.

Tangkou Town requires that the whole town must effectively improve the political standing, deeply understand and accurately grasp the spiritual essence of the Provincial Party Congress, and use the beautiful blueprint of the provincial party committee to draw as the direction of efforts to promote the economic and social development of Tangkou's economic and social development Showing new actions and doing new weather; active planning and active actions, with a strong sense of political responsibility, in accordance with the requirements of the Provincial Party Congress, to give full play to the advantages of the dangkou's resources, to clearly build the "back garden" of Yangxi County, the "back garden" of Yangxi County Development positioning; based on the work of the job, implement the spirit of the provincial party congress into daily work, do more realistic things for the masses, and focus on solving the "urgent and sorrow" problem of the people.

Source: Yangxi County Rong Media Center • Yangxi Micro News

Correspondent: Yao Yangzhen

Edit: Huang Chaoying Shen Dingfa

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