The "Central Plains Lecture Hall" development zone construction theme study report meeting was held

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.06.20

The theme of construction of the "Central Plains Lecture Hall" development zone

Study report will be held

Lou Yangsheng attended

In order to accelerate the construction of the "one county, one provincial development zone", promote the reform of the "three industries and three systems", the province's development zone will be built into the main position, main battlefield, and main engine of economic construction in the province. The overall arrangement, on June 18, the "Central Plains Lecture Hall" hosted by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Activity Office held a development zone construction theme learning report. It was combined with the collective learning of the theoretical learning center group of the Provincial Party Committee to invite Shanghai Zhangjiang (Group Group (Group Group ) Ge Peijian, the former deputy secretary of the party committee and the former general manager of the Shanghai Zhangjiang High -tech Park Development Co., Ltd. Lou Yangsheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, attended the report.

In the report, Ge Peijian introduced the new challenges and opportunities for industrial parks under the current economic environment, the top ten trends in the construction of the development zone, explained the experience of the innovative model of Shanghai Zhangjiang Industrial Cluster, and put forward the high -quality development of Henan Development Zone. Suggestions.

The comrades of the meeting believed that the connotation of the report was abundant, comprehensive, and in -depth, and stood at the forefront of theory, practice, and international. It has important reference value to deploy, research and promote the work of the development zone of our province. It is necessary to find a gap to make up shortcomings on the bidding areas, and bravely take the development of the development zone in our province to develop a new level. Everyone said that we must take this report as an opportunity, adhere to the combination of knowledge and action, the combination of learning, and the implementation of the "top ten strategies", continue to promote the great training of university training training, continuously improve the ability of the ability, and go all out. Council the difficulties and grab the goal of "double half" and "all -year red", and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.

The meeting was held in the form of video conferences. All provinces, municipalities, Jiyuan Demonstration Zone, aviation port area and counties (cities, districts) have branch venues.

Chen Shun, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Organization, presided over the report. Members of the Provincial Party Committee Theoretical Learning Center, the work departments of the Provincial Party Committee are mainly responsible for comrades, and members of the provincial development zone construction work leading group attended the study at the provincial venue.

(Henan Daily client reporter Liu Yan Zhang Xiaowen)

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