Li Zhiqun went to the relevant central enterprises to carry out the comprehensive centralized supervision and guidance of "steady growth of risks and preventing reforms and strengthening the party"

Author:State -owned Assets Xiaoxin Time:2022.06.20

Recently, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Party Committee of the SASAC, Li Zhiqun, deputy minister of the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, went to the headquarters of the State Grid and Sinosteel Group. Stable growth, risk prevention, reform, strong party building "comprehensive centralized supervision, in -depth understanding of the work of enterprise management, deepening reform, innovation development, and anti -epidemic supply.

Li Zhiqun conscientiously implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and instructions for important instructions, implemented the deployment of TV telephone conferences in the country to stabilize the economy, efficiently coordinates the prevention and control of the epidemic and the development of economic and social development, and actively promoted high -quality development. The role of the cockpit "" top beam column "affirmation.

During the investigation, Li Zhiqun emphasized that all enterprises should make overall planning to "stabilize growth, prevent risks, promote reforms, and strengthen the party to build" work, and hold creative conditions for the 20th National Congress of the Party with practical actions. First, we must adhere to the "big of the country", take the initiative and deeply integrate into the overall national development situation, and continue to strengthen the main business of excellence. Second, we must anchor the goal of the year, compact responsibilities, encourage the motivation, promote lean management, deepen cost reduction and efficiency, and ensure that the annual target tasks are completed. Third, we must adhere to the special governance and production safety work, resolutely implement the general policy of the "dynamic zero" of the epidemic prevention and control, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line that does not occur without major risks. Fourth, we must fully grasp the three -year action of state -owned enterprise reforms to complete the finals and continuously consolidate the effectiveness of expanding reform. Fifth, we must adhere to the construction of the party's leadership and party, and persevere to promote the development of the party in an all -round way to develop in depth, and unswervingly strengthen the better.

The responsible comrades of the relevant departments of the SASAC accompanied the investigation.


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