Expert comment: Sleep is a luxury

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.06.08

China Well -off Exclusive Draft

Text | Associate Professor Ma Chunhui of Shenzhen University

If anyone asks me, what is contemporary luxury goods? My answer is sleep. Being able to sleep well is indeed a luxury for contemporary people. One -third of a person's life is spent in sleep. However, more and more people's sleep time is now decreased. The survey shows that the average daily sleep period for Chinese residents in 2010, 2014, 2016, and 2018 was 8.25, 7.78, 7.69, and 7.16 hours, and the sleep time continued to shorten. At the same time, the sleep quality of Chinese residents is also declining. 50%of adults have problems with 50%of the statistics of medical institutions. For Shenzhen, a fast -paced city, 80%of adults are deeply plagued by sleep.

The problem of lack of sleep has become a major trouble for the Chinese. Especially novice mothers, workplace people, and students' sleep are more prominent. Many primary and secondary school students have too much learning pressure. It is normal for the end of writing homework to write at night.

Insufficient sleep will bring a series of problems. First of all, it will affect our work efficiency and learning efficiency, causing the loss of the entire society. Secondly, sleep is very important for a person's health. Insufficient sleep will bring a lot of diseases and increase our medical costs. Insufficient sleep is not conducive to the improvement of population quality. The US Think Tank Rand Corporation studied the economic cost of lack of sleep, and insufficient sleep would affect the production efficiency of the entire society.

Sleep is not guaranteed. Most people are helpless about this problem and use various methods to improve sleep quality, but the effect is not ideal. How can we turn the luxury of sleep into a happy and happy consumer product in our lives? The most important thing is the adjustment of personal habits and the improvement of the social environment. For individuals, we have to quit some bad habits, and sleep will slowly correct. In order to improve the quality of sleep, some adults use the treatment of drugs, such as using sleeping pills, but this is not a long time. The long -term plan still needs to change our own bad habits, regular life, regular study, regular work, adjusting psychological state, and sleep problems naturally. The social environment is also important to improve sleep quality. For example, the environmental quality of residents' lives is improved, which is conducive to the improvement of the sleep quality of residents.

(\"Xiaokang\" · China Well -off Exclusive Special Specialty)

This article was published in early June 2022

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