Taizhou introduced the implementation plan to further promote the classification of urban and rural domestic waste

Author:Weitai Time:2022.06.20

In order to further promote the classification of domestic waste in Taizhou, on June 13, the Taizhou Municipal Government Office issued the "Implementation Plan for Further Promoting the Classification of Urban and Rural Domestic Waste Classification" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), and in the next three years, our city The work goals, main tasks, and security measures of garbage classification are arranged.

The "Plan" clearly clarifies the goal of garbage classification work in Taizhou. By the end of 2022, the centralized processing rate of garbage classification in various places reached more than 90%; urban domestic waste recycling rates would be more than 35%; urban kitchen waste treatment volume accounted for more than 20%of the total domestic waste; The above; the classification of domestic garbage classification in the residential communities in Jingjiang, Taixing City, and the urban areas in various districts. The coverage rate of domestic waste in the residential community in Xinghua City reached more than 80%. By the end of 2025, the urban domestic garbage classification, classification collection, classification transportation, and classification treatment system will basically achieve full coverage, and the rural domestic waste classification treatment system will be basically established to achieve organic ecological treatment of organic rotten garbage; Residents' domestic garbage classification habits are generally developed; the centralized treatment rate of garbage classification in various places reaches more than 95%; urban domestic waste recycling rate is more than 40%; the proportion of urban kitchen waste disposal accounts for more than 22%; resourceization The utilization rate is more than 80%. Residents of residents' domestic waste, kitchen waste, construction garbage, and garden green waste treatment capacity basically meet the needs, and the large -diversion treatment system is fully established.

In order to promote the goal, Taizhou has adjusted the high -level coordination mechanism for the formation of garbage classification work, and will also set up a municipal -level garbage classification work class; in accordance with the municipal garbage classification working model, set up special work classes to urge streets (towns and villages), communities (villages) (village) (village) (village) ) Configure full -time personnel and engage in the first -line management of garbage classification.

Improve the classification and collection facilities, and establish a sound classification and transportation system. Accelerate the construction of domestic waste, units, public areas, and rural areas. The urban residential area determines the classification and collection facilities construction plan in accordance with the standards of every 300 to 500 households and walking no more than 3 to 5 minutes. The urban regional residential areas and rural areas are concentrated in residential residential areas to implement regular fixed -point classification. Other rural areas are adapted to local conditions, and they can adopt a "two -point method" (farmers classify garbage as easy to rot and rot. Sorting, divided into recyclables, harmful garbage, and other garbage) for classification. Those with conditions can also be classified as "four -point method". In accordance with the requirements of garbage classification, all localities are categorized to categorize and collect transporters, and they are equipped with category and transportation vehicles to meet the classification and receiving needs of all classified communities, units and public places. According to the person in charge of the Taizhou Urban Management Bureau, the city will take the lead in exploring and carrying out the "non -classification and non -receiving" receiving mechanism, and gradually transition to residential communities in the party and government agencies, institutions, and state -owned enterprises.

The construction of terminal disposal facilities is an important part of the waste classification and disposal system. The "Plan" clearly states that Taizhou will accelerate the construction of the second phase of domestic waste incineration power generation expansion projects. In 2022, the new domestic waste incineration processing capacity is 850 tons/day, and the new fly ash filled library is 400,000 cubic meters. Collect the construction of the back -end processing project, add 1 million tons/year for demolition and construction in 2023, 500,000 tons/year of construction and decoration waste treatment capacity, and build recyclable processing centers, harmful garbage deposit centers and large -scale garbage Disassembling center; speed up the construction of the reconstruction and expansion project of food and kitchen waste to ensure that the processing capacity of new kitchen waste in 2025 is 450 tons/day, and the newly added kitchen waste treatment capacity is 100 tons/day.

Although the garbage is small, it is related to the overall ecological environment. Promoting the source of the source is the guarantee of the garbage classification work. The "Plan" clarifies the lead responsibility of relevant departments: the Municipal Development and Reform Commission leads the implementation of the "plastic restriction order" work requirements, prohibit or restricts the production, sales and utilization of some disposable plastic products, and malls, supermarkets, and farmers' markets in urban construction areas When the use of non -degradable plastic bags is gradually prohibited, the use of vegetable baskets and cloth bags is encouraged; The enterprise fulfills the obligations of the responsible person of the management of domestic garbage classification, and incorporates property service enterprises to participate in the management of garbage classification into the management of credit file integration system; Promote disposable supplies in the tourism, accommodation and other industries, and advocate "CD -ROMs" in the catering service industry to effectively reduce the amount of dining and kitchen waste generation; the Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau organizes the implementation of net vegetables and clean agricultural and sideline products in conjunction with the Municipal Commercial Bureau. The city effectively reduces the amount of home kitchen waste; the Municipal Commerce Bureau will formulate a system of recycling and utilization of renewable resources in conjunction with the Municipal Supply and Marketing Corporation; Party and government agencies, public institutions, and internal office spaces of state -owned enterprises shall not use disposable cups; the Municipal Post Administration formulates the green packaging system of the express delivery industry, reduce the use of non -degradable plastic packaging bags and disposable plastic woven bags, and implement courier packaging materials in the same city. Repeat use, promote the application of "shared courier boxes", reused refrigerator courier boxes and other recyclable, foldable packaging products and logistics distribution appliances. Sun Guiyin, director of the Taizhou Urban Management Bureau, introduced that the Municipal Urban Management Bureau will establish and improve the garbage classification evaluation system covering urban and rural areas in accordance with the requirements of the annual garbage classification tasks. In various places, the supervisor system is required to establish a supervision system in the work of removing decentralized placing trash cans and timely classification ("two fixed and one withdrawal"), strengthen supervision during the period of garbage, and incorporate garbage classification work into the annual comprehensive assessment as a civilized city and other masses Important content of sexual civilization construction.

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