Every young man comes from Jinan to Jinan people

Author:Love Jinan Client Time:2022.06.20

Young means a lot of possibilities;

Jinan means many possibilities.

At this moment, "Jinan" is about the same as "young".

It was another year of graduation, and there was a stubble of young people.

Jinan, once again the name of the city, coincided with a "invitation of midsummer" at that time, and enthusiasm is like the sun in June-

On June 17, the "Youth in the New Development of Youth in Jinan" was held in the 2022 Jinan University Student Graduation Ceremony. Liu Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the event and sent a good blessing to the graduates. Select Jinan again, we will grow up, work together, and share the future together. "

This is the second consecutive year of Jinan City to hold a high -standard "collective graduation ceremony" for college graduates. The atmosphere is full and sincere.

Why is it more and more important to keep young people and retain college students?

If talents are the vitality of the city, then young talents are the future of the city. With the evolution of economic and social development to "knowledge -intensive", cities' competition is increasingly reflected in the competition of young talents. Facing the future reserves of talents, of course, it has become a long -term plan for a city.

Some people may be wondering, how can the city lack young people? In fact, the answer to the question is written in the present.

At present, some places have begun to face the "city question" like "where are young people going." When the front line of production is becoming more and more difficult to see young people, and when "let young people return to the factory" becomes a hot issue for the two nationwide sessions, we can how much we realize how some places are eager for young people. Focusing on the future development of the city, you must "let young people stay." This matter is better to do it early and do slowly. If you think of "lack of people", you think of staying, and it is estimated that the "young people's loss" was successful at that time, and the situation would be difficult to recover.

At present, Jinan solemnly issues the invitation of "Youth's New Development in Jinan", which is to look at the long -term and slow down. Let the young people enter a large number of people in advance, so that the development of the city has the strength and the confidence. Like enterprises, talents are always the most precious assets.

The question of "young people is very important". Next is: let young people and young people stay in Jinan or go to Jinan. Why?

I have to say that the "home era" of the "post -95s" and even "post -00s" has arrived. The future cities will inevitably be dominated by their words and their demands. They generally have personality, ideas, love learning, good innovation ... These traits "are the evolution direction of labor and the evolution of future work."

To meet the needs of urban development and in response to the changes in crowds, Jinan's "retaining policy" is full of sincerity and ingenuity. This sincerity is not only written in the enthusiastic "invitation letter", but also slowly releases in the "benefits" visible to the naked eye. The first is employment support. Graduates can enjoy all -round "policy red envelopes" such as job search subsidies, skills training, industry -academia docking, and special recruitment. Free entrepreneurial station and excellent project funding. Of course, there must be a dream, and there must be life security. As long as the conditions are met, graduates can receive rental subsidies for 3 consecutive years and enjoy the first house purchase subsidy. Stand your feet. "

There is a saying that when the city thinks of young people, young people think of the city. If the two sides are sincere, they can "successfully hold hands." Nowadays, Jinan is more and more like a "distance" nearly, allowing young people to meet a large world and enough people; now Jinan is more and more like a warm nest. Just as Shenzhen's most impressive propaganda- "Come is from Shenzhen", every young man is from Jinan from Jinan. (Xiao Mingjun)

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