"Famous Requirement News" training class

Author:Putian released Time:2022.06.20

On June 16, the 11th training course of the "Famous Report News" hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee was held.Zheng Yan, a member of the Fujian Broadcasting Film and Television Group Rong Media Information Center and deputy director of the network department, was invited to give a special lecture.

The lecture is based on the "meaningful" news of "meaningful" ". From the aspects of" what 'meaning' "" "" what is 'interesting' ", etc., from a professional perspective, vivid and vivid cases to interpretGuide everyone how to "meaningful" "meaningful" in terms of describing storyization, technological innovation, and visualization of content.

It is reported that since Putian City has held the "Make News" training class, it has invited mainstream media experts such as People's Daily and Xinhua News Agency to come to Pu to conduct training for publicity and ideological fronts and news teams, and promote the city's propaganda workers to actively adapt to the new era media in the new era.The new situation and new requirements of integration and development, improve the new media business level of Putian Journalism staff, and create a "one specialized" all -media talent team.

(Source: Meizhou Daily Reporter: Fu Meixiang Editor: Xu Zhiwei)

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