The People's Procuratorate of Yumen City conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress

Author:Ai Yumen Time:2022.06.20

During the study process, all the staff were serious, concentrated, and listened while listening. They were encouraged. Everyone agreed that the 14th party congress of the province is a very important meeting held by Gansu to march to the second century -old struggle goal and welcomes the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party. In the five years, Gansu's efforts, development layout, and major tasks not only reflect the inheritance and development of the work ideas of the previous provincial party committee, but also the characteristics of the times that keep up with the times. Economic and social development depicts a magnificent blueprint, and also pointed out the direction of advancement and increased the motivation for future work.

Report the words and urge people to forge ahead. Everyone said that as a prosecutor's work, we must combine their own jobs to further study, understand, implement, and implement the profound connotation and spiritual essence of the report. Combining the work goals, firmly establish a hard -working orientation, strengthen the sense of responsibility and innovation. Always maintain the spiritual style of hard work, overcome difficulties, forge ahead, work hard, strive to promote the implementation of the work of the hospital, and strive to break through a new road of high -quality development with the characteristics of Yumen's characteristics. The whole hospital is a new chapter in the development of the law of the people, escorting and protecting the modernization of Yumen's modernization!

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