Jianghan District, Wuhan City: Promote the construction of the Yangtze River ecological civilization with the "two -track" "dual track" to maintain the Yangtze River ecology with the "ban" publicity and law enforcement inspection

Author:China Net Hubei Time:2022.06.20

On June 17, the Office of the Leading Group of the Key Water of the Yangtze River Basin in Jianghan District, Wuhan City, and the Jianghan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau organized network transactions and advertising supervision and management departments, and the Dynamic Supervision Institute. The public welfare advertisement promotion and centralized law enforcement inspection activities of the Yangtze River forbidden Capture.

Activity site

Media companies such as Hainan Baima Advertising Media Investment Co., Ltd. Wuhan Branch actively participate in the design, production and publicity advertising position of public welfare advertisements. According to the characteristics of key waters of the Yangtze River Basin in Jianghan District, focus on the roads such as along the river avenue, and use the river along the river. The advertising position of 13 bus stations such as Longwang Temple Station and Wuhan Customs Station is the main position of publicity. By posting the "Yangtze River Ban Grand Capture" theme public welfare publicity advertisement, it is promoted to the masses and merchants in a graphic manner. The LED display of Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street and the No. 1 commercial area of ​​the Yangtze River also rolled the ban on public welfare advertisements during the dense period of traffic.

While carrying out publicity and guidance, the Jianghan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has strengthened inspections along the river and organized more than 30 people in the supervision office, ethnic, civil rights, flowers, and Manchun Market Supervisory Office to deal with the key waters and surrounding farmers' market aquatic products in the Yangtze River. District, fishing and catering restaurants, etc. carried out normalized inspections and distributing the "Yangtze River Ban Grand Capture" brochure.

Activity site

It is understood that since the implementation of the Yangtze River "forbidden arrest", the Jianghan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has focused on the main business of market supervision, comprehensively carried out the "Yangtze River ban" legal system, and focused on the use of various propaganda carriers to carry out the "Yangtze River forbidden Capture Capture Capture "Laws, regulations, policies, typical case publicity activities, and jointly jointly enforcement teams to promote the propaganda of the prohibited legal system to enter the community, school, enterprise, market, and public places to help the" Yangtze River Forbidden Capture "work in the jurisdiction, which will be strongly orderly and effective. Essence

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The relevant person in charge of the Jianghan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau said that next, the bureau will continue to increase the publicity of the Yangtze River forbidden arrest, continue to strengthen public opinion publicity and guidance, and create a strong social atmosphere of the special law enforcement operation of the "Yangtze River forbidden Capture". At the same time, we will jointly carry out special law enforcement actions to combat illegal fishing in the Yangtze River Basin, uniform deployment, joint cruise, joint law enforcement, heavy punch, and strive to achieve remarkable results.

(Correspondent: Hu Yi, Yang Qin, Sun Jing, Cai Zhiqiang, Xiang Chunhui)

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