How to prevent and control the epidemic society?Beijing Satellite TV's "One Step" reporter visited Beijing's first batch of immune -free communities on the spot

Author:Beijing Beijing Time:2022.06.20

On June 18, Beijing announced the first list of outbreak -free communities (villages). On the same day, the two reporters from Beijing Satellite TV's "One step forward" came to the first batch of unpestable communities in Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District.

In the two -hour investigation of the reporter, a total of 4 residents in the community had irregular temperature measurement or difficulties in the surveillance, and the monitoring also recorded these pictures in real time. Code and monitoring the dual -tube are the innovative and optimized epidemic prevention measures in Zhongguancun Street. The non -epidemic -free community does not refer to the "zero case" community, but even if the epidemic occurs, it can be discovered, managed and controlled in time to ensure that the epidemic is not leaked.

In addition to the community, this method has played a positive role in the shop. Eliminate the anti -epidemic and blind zone, build a barrier to the capital, and win the epidemic hindrance to the epidemic!

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