Pearl River Defense General Starting Flood Control Class II emergency response

Author:Chinese water conservancy Time:2022.06.20

Affected by the continuous rainfall since June 15, the West River in the Pearl River Basin occurred No. 4 in 2022, and the flood of No. 2 in Beijiang 2022, and once again developed into a larger flood in the basin. It is predicted that the waters of the Xijiang may continue to rise and maintain high water levels for a long time. There may be a large flood in Beijiang. Super police in the small and medium -sized rivers in the river basin have a great risk of flood disasters in some areas, and the flood prevention situation is severe and complicated. According to the relevant provisions of the "Pearl River Flood Prevention and Drought Resistance Headquarters Flood Control and Drought Resistance Emergency Plan", the Pearl River Defense launched a level II emergency response at 12 o'clock on June 20, and sent three working groups to Guangdong and Guangxi to guide flood prevention and flood resistance.

The Pearl River Defense Federation issued a notice to the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, requiring the anchor to be anchoring "no casualties, reservoirs, not damaging dams, important embankments, and important infrastructure" Do a good job in monitoring and forecasting early warning, flood control scheduling of water engineering, dyke inspection defense, reservoir safety flood flood, flood disaster defense, urban and rural flood prevention and drainage, safety hazard prevention and control, flood prevention information reporting, etc., and make every effort to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people. Living in the economic market provides water safety protection.

Source: Pearl River Water Conservancy Committee of the Ministry of Water Resources

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