Latest notification!Suspension!

Author:East Asian Economic and Trade Time:2022.06.20

Notice on the suspension of the annual end of the provident fund 2022

Each housing provident fund deposit unit and employee:

Due to the annual eclipse of the housing provident fund, in order to ensure the timely, accurate and safety of the annual epoch -making work, our center stopped handling online and offline businesses such as housing provident fund collection, withdrawal, and loans on June 30, 2022 (Thursday). On July 1, 2022 (Friday), it returned to normal.

The main channels for online business include the official website of the Changchun Municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Center, the online service hall, the mobile app, WeChat public account, VTM self -service teller machine, 12329 hotline (self -service and manual service), self -service inquiry machine and Alipay Citizen Center (Changchun City City Provident fund), Jiwu Office APP (Changchun City Provident Fund Business), etc.

The main channels for offline businesses include the window of each branch center of the Changchun Housing Provident Fund Management Center and the branch hall of the branch office (including the housing provident fund business window of the Changchun New District Government Service Center).

As a result of the inconvenience to you, we apologize, so please forgive me.

Changchun Housing Provident Fund Management Center

June 20, 2022

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Source 丨 East Asia Economic Trade reporter Wang Lu

Edit 丨 Luna

Review 丨 Han Dawa Jiang Shuai

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