Changji Prefecture to carry out the "Seedlings · Green Book Action Action" to help youth grow up

Author:Changji Daily Time:2022.06.20

Changji Daily (all media reporter Liu Hui) On June 15th, the "Book Fragrant Run Children's Heart Painted Tongxin Circle Circle" littering ceremony jointly organized by the Propaganda Department of the Changji Prefecture Party Committee and the Xinhua Bookstore of Changji Prefecture was held in Changji Prefecture Experimental Primary School.

At the event site, the relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of the Changji Prefecture Party Committee and the Xinhua Bookstore in Changji Prefecture donated 400 books and 400 learning stationery to Changji Prefecture Elementary School Professional Protection Workstation, and sent them one by one to the students.

The ceremony of littering in the seedlings held in Changji Prefecture Experimental Primary School was just a microcosm of the "Lvgang Book -Book Action" in deeply promoting the "seedlings and green book signing operations" in Changji Prefecture.

Since the beginning of this year, the office of the leading group of Changji Prefecture's "sweeping pornography and fighting non -" leadership group has focused on the mission mission of focusing on educational newcomers to highlight the protection of minors and mobilize the whole society to care, support, and participate in the "protection of seedlings". Up to now, Changji Prefecture has carried out more than 100 related activities related to the "seedling protection" operation in the whole society, produced and distributed more than 130,000 green bookmarks, and posted more than 20,000 publicity posters for the "Seedling Action" and "Green Bookmark Action". "Preasure of more than 10,000 publicity and creative products, design and produce 5 children's anime, check 359 publications in publication, investigate and deal with 6 cases of infringement piracy, seize infringing pirated books, illegal publications more than 5,000 books, more than 5,000 illegal publications It has effectively promoted the habit and consciousness of adolescents to develop self -protection, green reading, civilized Internet access, respect for intellectual property rights, and protect the healthy growth of young people.

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