Connecting the hinterland of Central Plains and Bashan Yushui Zhengyu High -speed Railway to traffic

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.06.20

Xinhua News Agency, Zhengzhou, June 20th. On the morning of the 20th, with the G3401 and G52 trains, the Zhengyu high -speed rail was officially opened from Zhengzhou East and Chongqing to the north, respectively. "Singing songs in the day must be liquor, youth is accompanied by a good return." Du Fu, who was half -wandering, went north to the Central Plains from Fengjie, but always stopped on the boat in the Xiangjiang River. After more than a thousand years, the high -speed rail took the "Poetry Saint" home.

On the 20th, from Zhengzhou East to Chongqing North, Zhengyu High -speed Railway, which is connected to the provinces of Yu, Hubei, and Chongqing, opened to traffic. This is an important part of my country's "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high -speed railway network, with a total length of 1068 kilometers and a design speed of 350 kilometers per hour. The connection between the northwest hinterland and the central and eastern hinterland of the Yangtze River Basin is even more closely.

On June 20, the Zhengyu High -speed Railway opened the operation of Zhengzhou's launch train to stop at Zhengzhou East Station, and the staff was celebrating the opening. Xinhua News Agency reporter Hao Yuan

Some poetry researchers said that the Zhengyu high -speed rail connected to the Bashan -Chongqing water and the land of the Central Plains can be called the "most elegant high -speed rail". For example, Li Bai, Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, and Li Shangyin have also left eternal sentences on this line. … Today, when we sit on the high -speed rail, with the change of location and scenery, through the rhyme of poetry, we will realize the soul that spans time and space.

In addition to poetry, the economic value of the Zhengyu high -speed rail cannot be ignored. After opening to traffic, it connected to the large channels of railway channels such as Beijing -Guangzhou, Longhai, Lanqing, etc., to form a fast high -speed railway channel connecting Central China and Southwest China. The connection of the urban agglomeration is closer. At the same time, the Zhengyu high -speed rail that connects the two major waters of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River has also built a large economic artery connecting the "riverside strategy".

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