618 Great Promotion!Buy, buy, buy and buy enthusiasm!What makes everyone unwilling to chop their hands?

Author:Shanghai hotline Time:2022.06.20

Unlike the original crazy "chopping hands", consumers' enthusiasm for "buying and buying" this year seems to have retired. Why is this?

Many commodities are not discounted

This year's "618", many e -commerce platforms said that simple consumption does not have to stay up late, do not play mathematics. Some platforms stated that cross -store full reduction "over 300 minus 50". There is also a platform that consumers can place an order directly to enjoy the discount of "50 reduction per 299".

We observed for a while we found that although there are opportunities such as discount spikes, it is difficult for consumers to judge when it is the "lowest price" in the series of activities. In addition, the discounts of multiple e -commerce platforms are not great, and some products are even more expensive than usual.

Taking a desk of an e -commerce platform as an example, it is estimated that the hand price is 1379 yuan on June 13, and it will become 1546 yuan on June 15th. In this regard, customer service staff told us that you can rest assured that the product has a 30 -day insured service during the "618" period. If the subsequent price is lower than the lower unit price, you can apply for a deprived price.

The picture above shows the price when consumers place an order in May. The picture below is the price of "618". screenshot

There are also order records provided by consumers to us, showing that the price of Lammachi bought on an e -commerce platform on May 19 showed that the unit price per box was 97.7 yuan, bought 2 boxes, and received 20 yuan coupons. Consumption is 175.4 yuan. On June 16, the same product showed that the unit price was 99 yuan, and there was no 20 yuan coupon. Even if it could be reduced by 20 yuan, it also cost 178 yuan to buy 2 boxes.

Expressing uncertainty or reasons

Recently, due to the epidemic and other reasons, many regions have affected logistics, which may also affect consumers' shopping desires to a certain extent.

Some Beijing consumers said, "Because in May, we belong to the control zone, and the express delivery is almost affected for a month. In June, the express delivery gradually recovered, but the Beijing epidemic was intermittent, and now we dare not place orders frequently."

We have learned that some residential communities, even if they resume express delivery, need to be collected at the entrance of the community. If you buy a large number of goods, how to transport it from the gate of the community to the home becomes a problem, and many consumers simply choose to wait for the order. In addition, such as air -conditioning and washing machines, workers need to be installed after buying, and there are uncertainty on how service personnel come to the door.

We noticed that many online shopping orders show that "affected by changes in epidemic prevention measures, your orders may be delayed, please forgive me."

Many products show that logistics may be delayed. screenshot

However, the shortcomings of postal express networks have recently risen significantly. According to the news of the State Post Office, from the perspective of the average daily cost, the average daily collection and delivery volume of the Dragon Boat Festival holidays have exceeded 300 million, and the average level of last year was resumed. And 10%.

"Be numb by the routine"

In addition to the influence of logistics and other factors, many consumers say that "the routine is numb." For example, the price mentioned above is discounted first and then discounted, or the price increase is not discounted. There are many similar routines.

After the price of the shopping cart is reduced, it shows that it is reduced to the ** yuan when joining, but it will not be reminded if the price increases. screenshot

We have observed for many days in a row that many of the products that put in the shopping cart show "falling ** yuan when joining the shopping cart" and "direct fall ** yuan", but if the price increases, it will not be reminded. A certain instant noodle, even for many days, has been showing "only 2 left", and the technical "urging" consumers to place an order.

In response to some problems existing in the e -commerce platform, some e -commerce platforms stated that "some products may show higher prices, but it must be dependent on the final real payment, because consumers will have full reduction and coupons such as coupons in the process of payment. In the end, it is cheaper than usual. "

In addition, there is another news worthy of consumers 'attention. In order to regulate operators' clear prices, prevent and stop price fraud, and maintain market price order, the State Administration of Market Supervision recently issued the "Meeting of Park Price and Price Fraud" to list seven typical typical typical typical typical types Price fraud, including selling goods or providing services through false discounts, price reductions or price comparisons. The provisions will be implemented from July 1.

The State Administration of Market Supervision also made it clear that the actual transaction price can make consumers or other operators who trades with them to get greater price discounts. This situation is not price fraud.

Did you place an order recently? The "618" promotion is undeniable that there will be a low -cost product, but at the same time, it is also a high hair season for various routines. Whether consumers can find "leak", they need to observe more and be more patient.

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