People's Daily to see Jilin: Governance and refined services are more warm

Author:Jilin Radio and TV Station Time:2022.06.20

Village (community) service levels are constantly improved in various places to better solve the minds of the masses, troubles, and mind -more warm -up services (new practice of grassroots governance)

Our reporter Cheng Yuanzhou Liu Yiqing Dou Hanyang's "People's Daily" (June 20, 2022)

Community service relationships people's livelihood, connecting the hearts of the people. The General Office of the State Council issued the "Fourteen Five -Year Plan" Urban and Rural Community Service System Construction Plan "to make a comprehensive deployment of the construction of the urban and rural community service system during the" Fourteenth Five -Year Plan "period. Promoting the high -quality development of the urban and rural community service system is imperative and right. The reporter recently visited Nanshan District, Guangdong Province, Songyuan City, Jilin Province, and Xinchang County, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province.

Construction system

Cultivate head geese and strengthen the community talent work team

"We actively carry out the creation of high -quality characteristic communities to achieve full coverage of 17 communities party branches. At the same time, joint merchants and corporate resources to create public service positions for residents have greatly changed the appearance of the community." The secretary of the community party committee cultivated the studio. When talking about work innovation experience, Chen Huibin, secretary of the party committee of Haizhu Community, was deeply impressed.

In 2016, Chen Huibin returned to the Haizhu Community, who had been working for many years as the party secretary, and she had a panic in the community's work. The problems faced by Chen Huibin are also the common problems of many community cadres. The Organization Department of the Nanshan District Party Committee found in the investigation that some community talent teams have issued problems such as lack of practical effects and incomplete growth mechanisms, and the scale of talent reserve is unreasonable and the source is single.

To this end, Nanshan District establishes 2-3 outstanding community party committee secretary training studios in each street to select an outstanding community party committee secretary with outstanding work capabilities, rich experience, and certain innovation and development capabilities as leaders or mentors, and also A party -building theory experts are selected from the teachers' library to conduct teaching and training. At the same time, the community youth pioneer training camp was opened, and 30 deputy secretary of the community party committee and the full -time deputy secretary of the park were selected in the district to carry out special training.

Chen Huibin was the first student of the Studio of the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Excellent Community, and is now a mentor of the studio. The Haizhu community she taught by the leadership of the multi -dimensional governance under the leadership of the party building is widely praised by students. Such experience such as work will be summarized and will form a typical case of serving the masses to further enhance the ability of studio students. At the same time, the studio also uses the party secretary of the excellent community as the leader, absorbing full -time workers, grid members, etc. as members of the community to study the "micro -reform" topic of the street.

"From cultivating 'head geese' to Jianqiang's 'group geese', and finally the‘ geese array ”." Wu Hongxia, who came out of the training studio of the outstanding community party committee, was awarded the national outstanding party worker in the country last year. In her opinion, a series of cultivation plans have injected the source water into the source of the grassroots governance. Today, the 326 community reserve cadres cultivated by Nanshan District are playing an important role in various communities in the district. In 2021, among the new community "two committees" team in Nanshan District, 11 community party committee secretaries and 63 deputy secretaries came from the studio.

At present, more than 90 outstanding community party committee training studios have set up a total of more than 90 outstanding community party committee training studios. By carrying out the rotation training of the community party organization secretary, the establishment of the "initial heart of the community party organization secretary", and organizing the community party organization secretary forum, etc., to form system training System; for community full -time workers, grid staff and other groups, the professional and professional management system of "one game of chess" has been established in the city. The team forms scale and increasingly complete.

Promote cooperation

Party building alliance, condense grass -roots social governance joint efforts

"Uncle, you find me for a baking soda, take warm water, and use it for oil and pollution!" At 10 am on Saturday, the former Guorros community of Guerros Community, the former Guerros community of Guerros community in Qiangelros community, Jilin Province. At the Haijia, five volunteers are holding a rag to help wipe the stove, "Look, it's really bright!"

During a visit, Qu Lingling, secretary of the Community Party Branch, found that there was difficulty in cleaning the elderly in the community, and took the volunteers of the Party Construction Alliance to clean up. Wipe the glass, drag the floor, wash the quilt ... Wang Hai never thought that these have now become the daily life of volunteers.

In accordance with the requirements of the Songyuan Municipal Party Committee, the Guerros Community established the Party Construction Alliance. The party branch of the district and institutions in the district and social organizations, including the CPPCC, signed a co -construction agreement by the party branch of the district and institutions and social organizations. Members of the CPPCC in the medical field and doctors of the county traditional Chinese medicine hospitals have entered the community to provide residents with on -site services and establish health files. They also started medical lectures; the Federation of Industry and Commerce organized enterprises to conduct skill training; Establish an employment docking platform for residents ... Under the coordination of the party building alliance, the relevant units regularly convene situation dispatch meetings, community collection demand, unit feedback response, party organizations in various fields to give full play to the advantages of cooperative combat, respond to the needs of the masses in a timely manner, and grow stronger in grassroots governance.

After the establishment of the Party Construction Alliance, the community also organized a joint event of party building activities in combination with a major time node to organize the theme party day activities. Not only did they encourage community party members to listen to party lessons and learn party history, but also welcomes party members of the organs to enter the community. Qu Lingling said: "In the past, docking with the organs was the department to the department, and sometimes the specific staff did not recognize clearly. Now it is different. The connection between the party members and the party members of the community is even more closely. During the Dragon Boat Festival this year, we also we still do Together with the elderly living alone, "as of now, all 22 streets and town communities in Songyuan have all set up party building alliances, covering more than 810 various organizations. The service content involves cultural and sports activities, legal aid and other fields, which has driven the activation of the resident residents 63,000 party members in various fields in the streets participated in grassroots services.

Make up for a shortcoming

Sinking a line to promote equalization of urban and rural public services

Early in the morning, the "Township and Vegetables" service market in Chengnan Village, Chengnan Township, Xinchang County, Zhejiang Province opened on time. Hairdressing, consulting, home appliances, mediation ... villagers have endless streams, so lively.

Xia Liujun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Chengnan Township, told reporters that the launch of the "township and folks" was originally to solve the haircut problem of the old people left -behind elderly in the village. Luyuan is inconvenient, so there is a service market. "

Later, the service market project continued to be rich. In addition to hairdressers, it also expanded 8 types of service projects such as health services, home appliances maintenance, and traditional repair. According to the needs of the masses, more projects such as village -level supervision work, Red Cross Rescue Training, and Job Recruitment are constantly incorporated into the market service.

"Master Zhu, your blood pressure is still a bit high, I will give you a point of suppressing the medicine." Lu Jiantao, a doctor of Chengnan Township Health Center, gave the villagers Zhu Bozhong's blood pressure, and used mobile payment equipment to help Zhu Bozhong brush the social security card and prescribed the medicine for him. Essence Zhu Bozhong bluntly said: "I used to prescribe medicines at the township health center at 15 kilometers away every month, and sometimes I had to go to a farther county hospital. It was very troublesome. I did not expect to see the medical treatment at the door of the house."

Today, in order to better serve the villagers in the jurisdiction, the service market has entered 17 administrative villages in the township. Villagers have any service needs, they can go to the market to "Amoy." Not long ago, the staff of the service market also brought the company's recruitment information into the village. Chen Xiaojun, a 51 -year -old lathe worker, found a new job at the doorstep. "After training, I can officially work in a few days later." Chen Xiaojun said happily.

In recent years, Xinchang County has accelerated the shortcomings of rural public services and promoted the equalization of urban and rural public services in the county. "To let the people in the city enjoy, the villagers can enjoy it." Zhang Yihua, deputy minister of the Xinchang County Party Committee, said, "Chengnan Township's" Township Township "service market model has now been promoted in the county. Disputes to volunteer services and popular science propaganda, covering all aspects of rural governance. "As of now, the county's" township and folk "service market has accumulated more than 18,000 people, solving more than 450 pieces of various problems.

Original title: People's Daily to see Jilin: Governance and refined services are more warm

Edit: Xiao Zhi

Source: People's Daily Client Jilin Channel

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