Hong Kong's 25th Anniversary | Guo Jingjing: Reading the charm of the city in Hong Kong

Author:Hunan International Channel Time:2022.06.20

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▲ Guo Jingjing was interviewed by a reporter from Xinhua News Agency (taken on June 10). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Xiaochu taken by Wu Xiaochu

In 1995, 14 -year -old Guo Jingjing came to Hong Kong for the first time. After the game, she followed her teammates to the Ocean Park and tasted seafood food. She looked at the city with freshness and curiosity.

In 2012, 31 -year -old Guo Jingjing married Huo Yingdong's eldest Sun Huo Qigang and settled in Hong Kong.

She became a member of the million "New Hong Kong people" settled from the Mainland after the return of Hong Kong to the motherland. Starting from learning Cantonese, Guo Jingjing slowly understood Hong Kong and adapted to Hong Kong.

Although he grew up in the north, Guo Jingjing, a athlete, adapted to strength. For Hong Kong, she considers herself to adapt to "faster".

In Guo Jingjing's eyes, Hong Kong is very tolerant. "A mainlander comes to Hong Kong. It doesn't matter if you don't know Cantonese. Many people will speak in a presence; a foreigner comes to Hong Kong without Cantonese, because many people will speak English. This is a city of integration of Chinese and Western culture." Guo Jingjing said "I think this is a unique charm in Hong Kong."

For ten years in Hong Kong, Guo Jingjing felt that his biggest change was more tolerant. "Many things will try to think and understand from different perspectives." She laughed and said, maybe it was an increase in age, maybe it was affected by the tolerance urban temperament of Hong Kong.

She has met many new friends, local people in Hong Kong, and "new Hong Kong people" from the Mainland. The differences between their educational background and growth environment and thinking methods have formed their own different characteristics.

When Guo Jingjing first came to Hong Kong, her husband's grandma was still alive. Every weekend, the whole family will have a lunch with her grandmother. The strong family atmosphere impressed her. "Recalling that she had a dinner with my grandfather, she was reunited when she returned to my hometown in the New Year."

"Many Hong Kong people have big families and brothers and sisters. In contrast, our generation from the Mainland is more independent. It may be because they are only children, and they must rely on themselves." Guo Jingjing said.

The "New Hong Kong people" from the Mainland dare to fight hard, and make the locals look at each other independently and hard, and also make them pay more attention to the Mainland.

"Wow, so beautiful and so convenient!" Guo Jingjing had a Hong Kong friend to the Mainland, lamenting "so different from imagination."

"We may not be so convenient in the Mainland before, and the development is relatively late. Therefore Some aspects have even started to surpass the West. "Guo Jingjing said. Now there are many Hong Kong friends around her who are considering letting her children go to the Mainland for education." They want to know the mainland and know some of our own stories. "

Guo Jingjing also entered Hong Kong deeper.

As the Ambassador of the Hong Kong Commission of the United Nations Foundation, she actively participated in public welfare charity activities, paid attention to women and children's rights and interests, worked as volunteers, and visited the house. Under the epidemic, the situation of the residents of the mortuary was worsened. Guo Jingjing was dressed in volunteer clothes, packaged and distributed anti -epidemic supplies, hoping to help them do basic protection.

"I think I should do my best, and I hope to call for more people to help these people in need." Guo Jingjing said.

Sports is Guo Jingjing's old industry, and she is also an area that she always pays attention to and loves.

Every time the mainland Olympic athletes visit Hong Kong, they are warmly welcomed by Hong Kong citizens. Guo Jingjing is always excited as fans. "Seeing the state and spirit of these outstanding athletes at the scene, I was really proud of them. Especially when I could hear them sharing their stories at the scene, it was very inspiring." She said.

▲ From December 3rd to 5th, 2021, the Olympic athletes in the Mainland conducted a three -day exchange activity in Hong Kong. Guo Jingjing arrived at the scene to watch the game. Picture source: CCTV News

Hong Kong's local small and limited resources, and relying on the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area and other provinces in the Mainland, regardless of training venues, high -level coaches or players, they can help Hong Kong athletes improve better. At the Tokyo Olympics held last year, Hong Kong athletes performed well and the medal results achieved historic breakthroughs. "This is inseparable from the support of the country, the sports exchanges with the Mainland, and the placement of sports resources by the SAR government." Guo Jingjing said, "For the same goal, we can do better together and sports."

Hong Kong will participate in the National Games for the first time in 2025, and Guo Jingjing is looking forward to it. "There are many projects in the National Games. I hope that more competitions can be held in Hong Kong, so that citizens can see more exciting events. Of course, the city of Dawan District is also very convenient. I hope the epidemic will end soon. At that time, you can see it. The highest level of our country is very excited to think about it. "

For ten years in Hong Kong, Guo Jingjing's Cantonese is getting fluent. She walked on the street with long hair and a long skirt, which was no different from Hong Kong girls. But she would miss the hometown of winter and snow.

Guo Jingjing will tell the children the story of her hometown and her childhood. "Before the epidemic, take them back once or twice a year." Guo Jingjing said. Now the children grow up slowly and want to take them to see the hometown of the giant panda, go to some minority settlements, and let them know how big their motherland is. How beautiful is.

Back to the motherland for 25 years, Hong Kong is about to open a new chapter. In Guo Jingjing's view, the country's development is a big step forward, and the environment of Hong Kong is getting better and better. Many Hong Kong people go north to the Mainland to chase dreams. Essence

Guo Jingjing hopes that in the future, Hong Kong will continue to exert its unique advantages in the overall situation of the national development. "I hope that Hong Kong will be better and Hong Kong will definitely be better."

Supervision/Ren Shuai

Editor -in -chief/Wu Weichun

Edit/Li Leilei

Source/Xinhua News Agency

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