Songjiang South Railway Station and Songjiang Station will resume operations today, and the situation at the scene →

Author:Shanghai Songjiang Time:2022.06.20

According to the requirements of the superior department, starting today (June 20), Songjiang South Station and Songjiang Station resumed operations. How is the first day? Let's take a look with Xiaosong.

At 8 am, Xiao Song came to Songjiang South Station. After 80 days, Songjiang South Station reappeared the door to restore the business of passengers in and out of the station. At the entrance, the staff is checking the passengers entering the station one by one. The staff told Xiaosong that all the people entering the station need to scan the "place code" and check the nucleic acid report. Passengers holding negative nucleic acids within 24 hours can enter the station. If the passenger holds a 48 -hour kernel report, the antigen needs to be made. The station provides antigen test agents for passengers to use.

Passenger Passenger Mr. Pan said that now scanning the "place code" is already a normal action. After preparing the nucleic acid report within 24 hours in advance, the station is fast. In the waiting hall, passengers are scattered; at the ticket gate, passengers line up in an orderly manner.

According to Cen Jie, deputy station of Songjiang South Station, 46 trains set by the station today have resumed 37 times. Judging from the statistics of ticket pre -sale, the passenger flow on the first day is not very large, and it is estimated that it will send about 500 passengers. In order to do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic, before opening the station, the station conducts a preventive disinfection of the waiting room; in the business, the key areas of the waiting room, such as the bathroom, the ticket check gate, and the passenger seat armrest, etc. Disinfection after stopping passengers. It is understood that the business hours of Songjiang South Station were 6: 50-21: 00.

In addition to Songjiang South Station, Songjiang Station also resumed operations today. Xiaosong saw in the station square that according to the actual situation, the station further optimized the passenger's entry line and posted the relevant logo in the waiting hall. According to Wang Weiming, a security member of Songjiang Station, it is expected to send more than 50 passengers on the same day. The business hours of the station are dynamically adjusted according to the second situation of the recovery vehicle. From June 20th to 21st , June 22 is 6: 20-9: 00, 15: 00-20: 30, and the normal business hours will be resumed from June 23 to 5: 20-21: 10.

Text, picture: Chen Yan

Edit: Yang Shuhan Guikexin

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