"Municipal Social Governance Modernization" Xing'an League Civil Affairs Bureau's "Four Four Promotion of Four and Four" strongly promoted the effectiveness of the city's social governance work.

Author:Women's Federation of Xing'a Time:2022.06.20

The Civil Affairs Bureau of Xing'an League conscientiously implements the requirements of the municipal social governance work deployment, effectively guarantee the basic lives of the people in difficulties, strictly follow the urban and rural minimum insurance, special poverty supporters to review and confirmation procedures and low -income families, and adhere to the guarantee, fairness, fairness, dynamic dynamics, dynamic, dynamic, dynamic The principles of management and overall planning, and carry out the work of the "semi -finals and four improvements" work, steadily promote the audit and confirmation of urban and rural minimum insurance, special difficulties, and low -income families to ensure that the rescue subsidy funds of difficult people are issued accurately on time.

Strengthen business training and improve cadres' working ability. Regularly conduct business knowledge training for social rescue staff of Qixian City, Sumu Township (Street Office), serious work steps and procedures, and clarify the standards of guarantee. Working principles, transfer responsibilities layer by layer to ensure legitimate compliance.

Strengthen dynamic management and improve the accuracy of insurance. Improve the regular inspection mechanism of social assistance objects, and check the minimum -guaranteed families with little economic conditions in the short term and the short -term economic conditions. To be good to protect one household, do not miss one person, accurately identify the object of guarantee, reasonably determine the guarantee standards, and comprehensively improve the accuracy of the policy.

Strengthen supervision and inspection and improve the level of openness and transparency. Through household inspections, neighborhood visits, and family economic status check, verify the situation of minimum guarantee objects, special poverty supporters and family property, family income expenditure and family members' changes in low -income people, and make detailed Doing reality and effectively improving the scientific and accuracy of the identification of the low -protection and special support objects.

Strengthen policy propaganda and increase policy awareness. Make full use of the official website of the Civil Affairs Bureau, WeChat public account, issuing leaflets, and household propaganda to widely publicize the minimum guarantee, special difficulties, and related laws and regulations, so that the masses know the conditions of low insurance, special inscriptions for support, and review and confirmation procedures. Policies' awareness.

Focus on serving the people's livelihood and strengthen the concept of the people's love and the people. Do a good job in the consolidation and improvement of the sense of security of the difficulties, have more temperature and temperature for the rescue of difficult groups, and promote the better integration of the social governance work of civil affairs into the economic and social development process of the alliance.

In 2022, the minimum living security, the minimum living security in rural areas, the basic living expenses of rural specialty support, the urban and rural special inscriptions, the ability to take care of the self -care ability, care fee, and the ability to take care of the self -care and self -care fee of the special inscriptions. And timely replenish the people of alliances in a timely manner.

Reprinted: Xing'an League Political and Law

Edit: Yingying

Responsible editor: October

Final trial: Bao Shuqin

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