Today, Longdu Puyang officially entered the "high -speed rail era"!

Author:Puyang Morning Post Time:2022.06.20

Jixian high -speed rail Puyang to Zhengzhou section is officially opened to traffic

Yang Qingzheng speeches Wan Zhengfeng on behalf of the city along the line

At 9:50 on June 20th, with the announcement of the provincial party secretary Lou Yangsheng, the first train G9205 of the Puyang East Railway Station and Zhengzhou Airport Station were departed at the same time at the same time. This marks that the last "skimming" of the "Mi" high -speed rail network of Henan is perfectly ended. Puyang completely bid farewell to the history of the high -speed rail and officially entered the era of high -speed rail!

At 9:10 on the day, the opening ceremony of the Puyang branch venue from the Jixian high -speed rail to the Zhengzhou section was held.省发改委二级巡视员石新宽、中国铁路郑州局集团公司副总经理陈杰、河南城际公司副总经理兼工会主席宋文朝,市领导杨青玖、万正峰、余广庆、邵景良、徐慧前、赵建玲、张锦印、 Huikang, Li Xiangqian, Sun Qipeng, Zhang Liancai, Li Jianlin, Liu Bing and other leaders of Central Plains Oilfield Zhang Qingsheng attended the opening ceremony at the Puyang branch venue. Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor Zhao Jianling.

At the opening ceremony of the provincial main venue, Yang Qingzhang, secretary of the municipal party committee, spoke on behalf of the city's high -speed rail. He first expressed his sincere gratitude to the provincial party committee, provincial government, and all units and builders who care about the construction of Zheng Duan, Zheng Gao, Zheng Duan. He said that the opening of the Zheng Duan of the Jixian Gao Rail has further strengthened the status of the Puyang Henan Northeast Portal Portal Hub. It is a milestone and happy event in the history of Puyang's development. Puyang will seize opportunities and play a leading role in taking advantage of the urban agglomeration of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei and Shandong Peninsula. The high -speed rail opening is the leader, and the traffic shortcomings are made to efficiently connect with Zhengzhou Airport Port. We will focus on improving urban energy level and development strength, build a large hub with large transportation, lead the major development, and strive to build an innovation and opening up highland in the central region, the center of the provincial regional regional regional regional region, and implement the "two guarantees" and implement the "ten" in Henan Province. "Great Strategy" made positive contributions.

Mayor Wan Zhengfeng stated in his speech that the opening of Zheng Duan, the high -speed rail, was both the realization of dreams and the beginning of dreams. We must strengthen the leading role of high -speed rail, further improve the comprehensive transportation system, deeply integrate into the Central Plains urban agglomeration, and play the role of bridgeheads that connect the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei and Shandong Peninsula urban agglomerations. , Comprehensively improve the energy level and comprehensive strength of Puyang. We must use the advantages of the high -speed rail to promote the elements of people flowing, logistics, information flow, and capital flow to Puyang. High -level grafting traditional industries, grabbing beaches and emerging industries, and forward -looking future industries. We want to amplify the comprehensive effect of the high -speed rail, fully release the high -speed rail economic dividend, run out of "Puyang Acceleration", activate "development new kinetic energy", speed up the construction of "four Puyang, one highland, one center" Standing at the forefront. Shi Xinkuan and Chen Jie spoke. They have expressed warm congratulations to the Zheng Duan of Jizheng Gao Railway, and stated that they must based on their own actualities and exert their own advantages, implement the regional development strategy, serve Henan's high -quality transformation and development, and strive to promote the economic and social development of cities along the high -speed rail. Helping the revitalization of the countryside, providing strong impetus for the ecological protection and high -quality development of the Yellow River Basin.

During the ceremony, the participants also watched the special film "Puyang, the high -speed rail coming". After the ceremony, the participants went to the waiting hall of Puyang East Station to watch the flash show "High Speed ​​Rail" and visited Puyang East Station Station.

According to reports, the Jixian high -speed railway is an important part of my country's high -speed railway network, and it is also the arterial trunk of the "Mi" high -speed rail network in Henan Province, with a total length of 405.5 kilometers and a design speed of 350 kilometers per hour. Among them, 197.3 kilometers from Puyang to Zhengzhou section, 30.3 kilometers in Puyang. Puyang East Station is a new first -class station with a station building area of ​​26,000 square meters and a total investment of 470 million yuan. The opening and operation of the Zheng Duan of Jixian Gao Rail, filling the gap in the high -speed rail in northeast Henan, and incorporated Puyang and other places into Zhengzhou's one -hour economic circle. In the early stage of operation, there were 24 pairs of high -speed rail trains at Puyang East Station in a single day, of which 20 pairs of daily trains were per day for more than ten minutes of the morning, middle, and evening operations. arrive. In addition, Puyang East Station also operates 1 pair from Puyang to Shanghai Hongqiao and Puyang to Guangzhou every day. It can reach the Yangtze River Delta in 7 hours to the Southeast and reach the Pearl River Delta in 8 hours. It brings great convenience to traveling and visiting relatives on holidays in our city. Reporter Duan Limei/Wen Monk Shaoqin Zhao Guodong/Picture

Sun Menghao Seng Shaoqin/Video

Source: 报 濮 来 来

Edit: Han Mengshan

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