It's clear!Don't forget to receive this money

Author:Jiuquan Radio and TV Station Time:2022.06.20

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a high -temperature orange warning at 18:00 on June 20: It is expected to have during the day on June 21, the central and southern parts of Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, central and western Shandong, Henan, central and northern Anhui 35-39 ° C in central and southern Shaanxi, northern Xinjiang Basin, South Xinjiang Basin, and most places in Hainan Island. Among them, the central and southern parts of Hebei can reach more than 40 ° C.

The National Federation of Trade Unions recently issued the "Notice on Doing a Form by the Heritage Prevention and cooling of employees in 2022", requiring trade unions at all levels to do a good job of high -temperature operations and high -temperature weather operations in the prevention and control situation of normalized epidemics, effectively prevent and control professional midstroke heat strokes. Incidents reduce the harm of workers' health in high temperature operations and high temperature weather operations. The "Notice" requires to provide employees with the necessary individual protective supplies and high -temperature operation restaurants, and issue high temperature allowances in accordance with regulations.

According to incomplete statistics, 28 provinces have announced the standards of high -temperature allowances, and it is clearly issued on monthly or on a day.

Jiuquan Radio and Television Editor: Liang Jin

Source: Xinhuanet

Gansu Internet News Information Service License Number: 62120180032

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