The second meeting of the Leading Group for the Reform of Jiuquan's Administrative Reconsideration System was held

Author:Jiuquan Daily Time:2022.06.20

Increase the implementation of the target requirements

Ensure that the reform tasks are fully completed

The second meeting of the Leading Group for the Reform of Jiuquan's Administrative Reconsideration System was held

On June 20, Tang Peihong, deputy secretary of Jiuquan Municipal Party Committee, mayor, and leading group leader of the municipal administrative reconsideration system, presided over the second meeting of the city's administrative reconsideration system reform leadership group. The meeting conveyed the spirit of the second meeting of the leading group of the provincial administrative reconsideration system reform, reviewed the "Jiuquan Municipal People's Government's Administrative Reconsideration Committee Work Rules (Trial)" and other documents, listened to the report of the reform of the city's administrative reconsideration system, and arranged the deployment of related work.

Tang Peihong emphasized that administrative reconsideration work is related to the rights of ordinary people and the credibility of the government. Relevant departments at all levels in the city must attach great importance to the reform of the administrative reconsideration system, resolutely carry out the political responsibility of advancing the reform of the administrative reconsideration system, and follow the leadership of the reform of the administrative reconsideration system in accordance with the provincial administrative reconsideration system reform leadership. The requirements of the second meeting of the group and the established goals and tasks, unified ideas, strengthen responsibility, accelerate the progress of the work, and ensure that it will operate efficiently according to the new system on July 1. It is necessary to formulate the relevant system of administrative reconsideration work in Jiuquan City, strictly in accordance with the regulations of the system, and give full play to the functions of the Municipal Government's Administrative Reconsideration Committee, the Office of the Administrative Reconsideration Committee, the Expert Consultation Committee, and the functions of the mediation and reconciliation committee. 2. The responsible persons have expanded the administrative reconsideration team and continuously improved the quality and efficiency of the case and the satisfaction of the masses. It is necessary to increase the supervision of the implementation of the reform of the administrative reconsideration system in all counties and cities, guide the county and cities to overcome difficulties, improve the mechanism methods, make up for shortcomings, and ensure that the reform work is completed on time.

Zhang Hong, member of the Standing Committee of Jiuquan Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor, and Jia Taibin, Secretary -General of the Municipal Government, attended the meeting.

(All media reporter Xie Peihong Liu Tao)

Editor in charge: Gao Yun

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