Guangzhou Nansha: Excluding abnormal test results

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.06.21

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Luo Shi

On June 20, Nansha District, Guangzhou issued a notification on excluding abnormal test results of the new crown pneumonia virus nucleic acid. The report stated that at 6:34 on June 20, Nansha District reported that a mixed sample sample sample of 20 -in -1 new crown pneumonia virus nucleic acid detection of the new sample of the new sample of the new sample was abnormal, and an emergency response was immediately activated. The 20 people involved in the disease and control department re -sampling and testing, and the test results of the 20 -person nucleic acid were negative.

The full text is as follows:

At 6:34 on June 20, 2022, our district reported that a mixed sample sample sample of the new crown pneumonia virus nucleic acid detection of the 20 -in -1 sample of the crowd should be inspected and the first screen results were abnormal, and an emergency response was immediately activated. The 20 people involved in the disease and control department re -sampling and testing, and the test results of the 20 -person nucleic acid were negative.

However, in view of the severe prevention and control situation of the surrounding epidemic, in order to further do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic of new crown pneumonia in our district and better guarantee the health and life safety of the people in the region, the town and streets will carry out nucleic acid testing in the social area area in the jurisdiction to More orderly, effectively, and effective prevention and control of hidden communication risks.

Citizen friends are requested to actively cooperate with the arrangements of the town and town and streets in an orderly manner. At the same time, do not believe in rumors, rumors, and rumors, take the initiative to strengthen self -protection, wash your hands frequently, wear masks, gather less, maintain social distance, and build a strong line of defense for prevention and control of the epidemic.

Xinguan Pneumonia in Nansha District, Guangzhou

Office of the Prevention and Control Headquarters

June 20, 2022

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School Editor -in -law | Zheng Zongmin

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