Copy in China?Japanese media: Kishida wants to pull Han -Australia and newly opened a "small meeting"

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.21

[Global Times special reporter Yang Jun in Japan] Japanese Prime Minister Kishida will go to Spain to attend the NATO summit at the end of this month, and considers the local leaders of Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. Japanese media said that Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Newness are all NATO "partnerships". Japan intends to use relevant talks to deepen cooperation to promote the concept of "free and open Indo -Pacific" designed to cope with China.

According to Japanese media reports, Kishida Wenxiong has stated earlier that he would attend the NATO summit as a Japanese Prime Minister. In addition to Kishida, NATO also invited South Korean President Yin Xiyue, Australian Prime Minister Albunse, and New Zealand Prime Minister Adin. The "Yomiuri News" states that during the talks of Japan, South Korea, and the New Leaders, the four countries will show a unity gesture in response to China and oppose "any attempt to change the status quo of the East and South China Sea unilaterally." It is reported that because China is constantly increasing its support for the Pacific Island country, how to curb China's influence in the Pacific Island country will also become one of the main issues of the talks. It is reported that China has positioned the "four -sided mechanism" of the United States, Japan, and Australia as the "Indo -Pacific NATO" and opposed it. If the talks of Japan, South Korea, and New Leaders, which can be held as a NATO "Asia -Pacific partner country", can be held, it will become a new framework for China.

Although the Japanese media took the lead, the Japanese government was cautious about this. According to Reuters on the 20th, the Deputy Chief of Japanese Cabinet Guanfang Tosaki Renyan said on the same day: "There is no decision at this stage." However, the Japanese government emphasized that the Japanese government will cooperate with the United States, Australia, India, and European, European, European, and like -minded countries to cooperate with the country. Flexible use of the "four -sided mechanism" to contribute to the peace and prosperity of the region.

However, the Yonhap News Agency said on the 20th that the Presidential Palace stated on the Japanese media on the same day that it had received a proposal to hold the talks about the four countries' leaders.

Some analysts believe that since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine conflict, Japan has also actively promoted the upgrading of its national defense capabilities, and has also strengthened security defense cooperation with some countries in the Asia -Pacific region. This time, the news of Japanese media has actually fits some recent Japanese government's recent recent recently. move. Regardless of whether the talks between the four countries can be held, Japan will continue to work in this direction.

Regarding some of the recent negative moves of Japan, the Chinese ambassador to Japan Kong Yanyou said earlier this month that the Japanese side should not go to the aisle of the Japanese and American alliances, nor only a few "partners" and "comrades" countries. effort. It is hoped that the Japanese side will maintain its strategic autonomy and show vision and wisdom, especially the balanced handling of the relationship between China and the United States, so that the road can go wider and wider.

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