The school organizes experts to go to Leibo County for medical assistance

Author:Chengdu University of Traditio Time:2022.06.21

From June 15th to 17th, according to the school work arrangements, the school's rural revitalization work leadership group office and foreign cooperation offices organize experts to form a working group to Leibo to carry out medical assistance work.

On the afternoon of June 15th, as soon as the working group arrived in Leibo County, accompanied by Yu Mingfeng, deputy head of Leibo County, accompanied by the leaders of the county Health and Health Bureau and the county Zhongyi Hospital, went to the New Hospital of Zhongyi Hospital, Leibo County for investigation. In -depth understanding of the status and development of the hospital, and held a symposium that night to learn more about the economic and social development of Leibo County, especially the development of traditional Chinese medicine. The members of the working group put forward opinions and suggestions for the construction of the special departments of Leibo County Zhongyi Hospital, the construction of talent teams, the Yi pharmaceutical culture and the information construction of the hospital.

At the symposium, the school's director of the Foreign Cooperation Department, Wu Feng, Dean of the National College/Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Center, and director Ren Yulan donated to Leibo County the primary and secondary school students' traditional Chinese medicine culture science books.

On the morning of June 16th, Du Huaibin, Yang Fushou, Sha Xuezhong, Aorozi, Li Guoliang and Leibo County Zhongyi Hospital were invited by members of the school invited by the school and experts from the Sichuan Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association. Appropriate technical guidance and free clinic activities. Experts enthusiastically and meticulously diagnosed and treat diseases and explained the knowledge of disease prevention, and received warm welcomes from the masses.

All day on June 16, Ren Yulan, a member of the working group, Li Shaomin, former director of the School General Medicine Training Center, Zhang Peihai, Minister of the Medical Department of Clinical Medical College/Affiliated Hospital, Du Huaibin, Du Huaibin, director of the Acupuncture Rehabilitation Center of the Third Affiliated Hospital The topic of "Interpretation of Chinese Medicine Culture", "Medical and Educational Coordination, and General Sciences, and strive to strengthen the construction of county -level hospital teaching capabilities", "Clinic Diagnosis and Treatment Experience", "Luts/BPH Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Integrated Treatment" Training for more than 50 medical staff in Leibo County was well received by participants.

On the morning of June 17th, the working group returned to Chengdu after the Cadres and employees and the masses of Leibo County.

In order to give full play to the advantages and functions of "simple, convenient, inspection, and integrity" in common diseases in grassroots prevention and treatment of common diseases in the grassroots level, to promote the benefits of cadres and the masses of high -quality medical resources to benefit from the ethnic areas, and further promote the results of consolidating the results of poverty alleviation. The rejuvenation of the same village has effectively connected and contributed to the power of traditional Chinese medicine.

(Picture, text/school rural revitalization office, editor of foreign cooperation departments/Huo Wenwei)

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