Longqiao Town, Longhua District, Haikou launched a "cultural benefit employee" anti -drug movie to go to the countryside to go to the countryside

Author:Long Teng Huacai Time:2022.06.21

In order to strengthen the education of drug prevention in the new era, effectively promote the in -depth development of anti -drug work in Hainan Province, enhance the awareness of anti -drug, anti -drug, and drug rejection, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the people to participate in the anti -drug people's war, consolidate the results of the demonstration of anti -drug demonstrations and creation results , Help the construction of non -toxic free free trade ports, and create an atmosphere of anti -drug. On the evening of June 20, 2022, the Longqiao Town Anti -Drug Office's joint trade union, customs work committee, league committee, police station, etc. carried out "cultural benefits employees" anti -drug movies to go to the countryside to go to the countryside.

Before the film screening, the staff sent publicity information to the audience, promoted anti -drug knowledge, and explained the dangers and types of drugs. They called on the masses to do their own precautions, actively participate in anti -drug activities, resolutely fight against drugs and drug trafficking. Building a harmonious society.

This anti -drug theme film "Non -toxic Island 1" is a movie that is based on the real event of the three -year anti -drug conference battle in Hainan. The film is adapted from the real event of the real event 6.22 in Haikou City, Hainan Province. The beautiful island cities seemingly calm on the surface of the sea. The drug police Xu Fei learned that Binhai City's recent methamphetamine prices have declined according to the line report of the line. At the same time, the apprentice Chen Xiaodan found that the number of resuscitation personnel continued to increase. After many investigations and technical detection, the police found that Qiaotou Village did hide a huge drug -making factory. The Municipal Bureau immediately decided to set up a anti -drug project team. The first gun! A battle of justice and evil sinking and redemption is being staged.

This activity made full use of the ways of the masses' likes to hear, through the dissemination of "Non -toxic Island 1", effectively publicized anti -drug policies, popularized drug knowledge, announced the determination of drug control, and played the role of the film's warning and education, so that everyone knew that drugs met the whole society for the whole society. The harm caused to enhance the awareness of the masses in the jurisdiction, so as to better drive the masses to participate in the anti -drug struggle.

Source: Longqiao Town, Longhua District

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