alert!Drowning accident enters a high incidence!

Author:Huai'an District Rong Media C Time:2022.06.21

The alarm bell is long!

Holiday is coming soon

Adolescent children drowning accidents enter a high incidence period

Do not swim

Anti -drowning! Reminder!

Jiangsu Disease Control and Prevention specially reminded and called on parents to do a good job of monitoring, eliminate misunderstandings about drowning, and understand the knowledge of "self -rescue and him" about drowning.

Misunderstanding 1:

Children will flutter and shout

The truth is: they cannot call for help when drowning, and drowning is silent.

Many people miss their children because of their "ignorance" for water. Unlike the TV series, children drowning and shouting. In general, people will be nervous when drowning. The underwater remained static, and drowning happened silently.

If these conditions occur during swimming, it is likely to be drowned:

The head tilted is lower than the water surface, and the mouth floats up and down on the water; the mouth opens and the head is leaning back; the eyes are empty, and the eyes cannot be focused or closed;

Without stepping on the water, the body is standing upright in the water; shortness of breath or cramps; the body is vertical, like climbing an invisible ladder.

With any performance, please rescue and dial 120 immediately.

Time is life, drowning for 30 seconds is the golden time for saving, and there is a chance of 4 minutes of first aid during the period! If drowning for more than 8 minutes, don't talk about children, adults will not have any skills.

Misunderstanding 2:

Drowning will only happen in the wild

Note: As long as there is water, drowning may occur.

In addition to drowning, it will happen outdoors by rivers, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, etc. The swimming pools and seemingly ordinary washbasins, bathtubs, and pools are the "invisible killers" of children drowning.

Especially for young children, water parks, small ponds, streams, pits, etc. are all dangerous waters, as well as bathtubs and bathtubs at home. As long as the water level does not have the height of infants and young children, there are potential danger. It should always be within the sight of adults.

In addition, in recent years, there are many cases of drowning in the swimming pool, and there are increased trends. Therefore, even in the regular swimming pool, we must be vigilant, take safety measures, and keep in mind swimming safety.

Misunderstanding 3:

Those who can swim, there will be no drowning

Don't think that you can swim, it is safe in the water!

It is understood that among the drowning people, there are people who can't swim, and some people who can swim and have good water.

Those who can swim, regardless of adults or children, should do full -body exercise before swimming, fully move the joints, relax the muscles, and use a small amount of cold water to rinse the trunk and limbs. Phenomenon. When swimming encounters unexpected cramps, falling into the vortex, entangled by water plants, etc., they should call others to help each other and try to save themselves. Common on the calf cramps. At this time, you should do a backstroke posture, hold your toes with your hands, kick your calves forward, and strive to approach the shallow water area or the shore.

When children swim, parents must be accompanied by the whole process! It should always be within the sight of adults.

Discover drowning, scientifically rescue

The companion drowned, and he would not rush into the water to save people.

This is very important, please tell your child.

If a partner is drowning, don't rush into the water to save people. Call loudly and send one person to seek the help of adults (if there are multiple companions together). Can't handle it! Those who fall into the water are extremely powerful, and they will be pulled into the water by drowning without paying attention, causing a tragedy of serial drowning.

People around you can rescue this way:

1. Dial 120 immediately, while waiting for the rescue;

2. Ensure for your own safety: if the environment is dangerous, first call 119 for help; try to use rope and life -saving facilities on the shore to rescue;

3. Simple treatment, wait for rescue: (During the period, do not use any "water control" method! Do not use the "earthwork" - "backward method" to rescue. Risk -sucking. If you delay and treat it, you will increase the chance of death!) Treatment according to the condition of the drowning person:

Sober, after 120 breathing and pulse calls, accompanied by the drowning person, you can put on dry clothes, wrap the blanket, pay attention to keep warm, and then wait for the rescue personnel;

There is no response, and there is a breath to place the drowning person into a side lying position to check whether there is a foreign body in the mouth.

There is no response, and the foreign objects are removed immediately without breathing, and the respiratory tract is unobstructed. It is performed in the order of an artificial respiration and the compressor of the rear chest, and continues to the respiratory recovery or emergency personnel to reach.

How to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation for drowning? In

1. Open airway

Put one hand on the forehead of the drowning person, lift the lower chin bone with the index finger and middle finger of the other hand, and let the head fully lean back.

2. Artificial breathing

Pinch the patient's nose with your hands; blow the patient's mouth for about 1 second; you can stop after seeing the patient's chest and abdomen; perform two artificial breathing.

3. Follow chest compression

The palm root of the hand below is placed in the middle point of the two adult nipples, or the lower part of the sternum. The overlapping hands are vertically downward, quickly press 30 times, 100-120 times per minute, each time 5-6 cm.

After the drowning recovered, he was sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

In addition to rescue,

It is also necessary to teach children to rescue themselves in an emergency and accidentally fall into the water. Try not to panic. Take the right measures to rescue themselves.

The first is to keep calm; then lean back, let the mouth and nose expose the water surface, and have a backstroke attitude; finally inhale deeply, spit out, and keep buoyancy. (You can throw away the heavy objects in your shoes and pockets in time, but don't take off your clothes, because it will generate a certain buoyancy, which is very helpful to you)

You may say how to calm the water?

It is reported that a little girl in Hunan dropped water, and her self -rescue method of her head pillow bag was amazing. The reason was that her parents taught her: after falling into the water, it would accelerate sinking. So she tried to keep calm, pillow the floating schoolbag under her head, and relax her body.

Reducing children's drowning is the inevitable responsibility of schools, society and parents. Every summer vacation, the school must three orders and five applications to prevent children from playing with water to prevent drowning. As a guardian, parents have the most time with their children in the summer. Remember to implement the word "guardianship". Don't let the "safety commitment letter" signed into a waste paper; don't wait until the tragedy occurs, and then cry with headache, it's too late!

Source: Jiangsu Disease Control

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