The Women's Federation of Jingning County, Pingliang City, to Hu Da Village, Xinyang Town, Maiji District to observe family construction work

Author:Maiji Rong Media Time:2022.06.21

Maiji District Rong Media Center News (Special reporter Dou Yaohui) Recently, Fan Ruiqin, chairman of the Women's Federation of Jingning County, Pingliang City, led the Viewing Troupe to observe and exchange family construction in Hu Da Village, Xinyang Town, Maiji District.

On the same day, the observation group and his party came to Hu Da Village Women's and Children's House, Parent School, Family Meimei Points Supermarket, Celebrity Cultural Corridor, Parent -Children's Garden for field inspection. Jiamei Points Supermarket "construction and operation, women's entrepreneurial employment, women's and children's rights protection and other women's federations work new highlights and new results, and experience the new results of family building in Maiji District.

Fan Ruiqin said that Maiji District attaches great importance to the party building and leading women's construction. Hu Da Village's "two committees" and the village women's federation organizations give full play to the role of family tutoring and family style in grassroots social governance. Real moves, characteristics, and effective. This observation and learning benefit them a lot, and they will bring these successful experiences back and study carefully to better serve the masses and families. At the same time, I also hope to take this exchange learning as an opportunity to strengthen exchanges, learn from each other, give full play to the unique role of women in family life, promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, innovate and implement the "Family Happiness and Ankang Project", promote the core values ​​of socialism Flower in the family.

The relevant person in charge of the Women's Federation and Xinyang Town of Maiji District participated in the observation activities. 【Edit Liu Niu】

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