Inner Mongolia Mongolian Project Construction Management Company Carrying out the 121st Safety Production Month Consultation Day event

Author:Yueyang Daily client Time:2022.06.21

On June 16th, the construction site of the Inner Mongolia Mongolian Project Construction Management Company launched the 21st national "Safety Production Monthly Monthly Monthly Safety Production Monthly Monthly" on the theme of the "Safety Production Law and Be the First Responsible person" at the first phase of the production scientific research and cultural comprehensive base."Consultation Day.





The event is widely carried out by hanging banners, placing exhibition boards, issuing safety production brochures, identifying the hidden dangers of classic hundred map accidents, participating in online knowledge competitions, centralized organizations to watch construction safety warning education films, TV special films, etc.Strengthen the bottom line thinking and red line awareness, effectively improve the safety awareness of cadres and employees of various participating units, ensure the safety and orderly, quality and quantities of the production scientific research and cultural comprehensive base and subsequent provident fund decoration, electrical skills complex, etc.(Li Shaogang)

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