Heilongjiang's latest epidemic notice

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.06.21

At 0-24 on June 20, 2022, there was no new new coronary pneumonia's epidemic information report in Heilongjiang Province. On the day, 1 case was entered in an overseas input of hospitalization.

As of 24:00 on June 20, there were 1 confirmed cases in the province and 4 asymptomatic infected inputs overseas.

At present, the overall situation of the epidemic situation in my country has remained stable, but the risk of spreading in individual localities still exists, and it cannot be relaxed. The general public should continue to tighten the epidemic to prevent and control the string, firmly establish the concept of "everyone is the first person in charge of his own health", standardize vaccination, and adhere to "wearing masks, shampooing hands, ventilation, and not gathering." Pay close attention to the dynamics of the epidemic, such as intersection with the activity trajectory with the positive infected person, or if there is a history of domestic and high -risk areas and the history of domestic high -risk areas and the area of ​​immune -related areas, immediately actively report to the communities (villages) and work units where they are located. Control measures. If you have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, smell (taste), diarrhea, etc., please do not take the medicine by yourself. You need to wear a mask to go to the nearest medical institution to send a hot kidney consultation and consultation. And actively inform the history of living and contact.

The cities and prefecture's epidemic prevention and control headquarters should investigate the history of residents in the recent immune -related areas (return) Heilongjiang Province, strengthen "big data+grid", accurately grasp and control relevant risk personnel, and evaluate the infection of risk personnel to evaluate the infection infection After the risk, we must implement classification and control measures such as code, nucleic acid detection, isolation management, and health monitoring.

Source: Heilongjiang Provincial Health and Health Committee

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