Cuihu Community, Xuzhou, Jiangsu: Fire safety, start with "small"

Author:Voice of Jinlong Lake Time:2022.06.21

The summer is approaching. In order to improve the awareness of students' fire safety and correctly grasp the use of fire hydrants and fire extinguishers, on the morning of June 18, the Cuihu Community, Jinlonghu Street, Xuzhou Economic Development District invited Shinen Middle School teachers and students to the second phase of fire safety experience The museum conducts fire safety knowledge training.

At the training site, the staff explained to the teachers and students the hidden dangers that were common in life, the safety hazards that could cause fire, and the common sense of fire protection from the fire scene. The word tactics have made detailed step -by -step explanations and practical drills, and instructed teachers and students to perform practical experience.


When encountering a fire, the escape of rope is an important method of escape. Ropes and sheets may become a life -saving straw, and how to tie this "life -saving straw" is the key to self -rescue escape. The exhibition board of the knot rope escapes the knowledge platform shows the more common safety rope methods in life, and placed a safety rope under the exhibition board. Methods and use methods, master the key to knotting rope.


At the same time, the use of VR Fire Laboratory to simulate the fire scene of the fire. It is not easy to experience fire prevention and fire from close distances. While enhancing everyone's awareness of fire safety, it also allows participants to feel intuitive, so as to avoid accidents as much as possible.


The training activity of fire safety knowledge is to allow teachers and students to understand fire safety knowledge and improve the safety awareness of teachers and students in daily life. Next, Cuihu Community in Jinlonghu Street will further penetrate fire safety education into daily work, continue to carry out colorful safety education activities, so that the seeds of fire safety will take root in the hearts of residents of the area.

(Li Ning Han Yuxuan))

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