The latest plan is introduced!Care about employment

Author:Xi'an Daily Time:2022.06.21

The city government executive meeting held on the 20th reviewed and approved the "Xi'an" Fourteenth Five -Year Plan "Employment Promotional Implementation Plan". During the Fourth Five -Year Plan period, more than 600,000 new employment, the total number of professional and technical talents and the total number of highly skilled talents reached 1.2 million and 580,000 people, respectively.

Number of human resources service agencies

Stable above 2000

The plan proposes that during the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, the city's employment and entrepreneurship environment will be continuously optimized. The increase in labor remuneration and the basic synchronization of labor productivity will be increased. The cost of entrepreneurship has been greatly reduced, and the spatial layout of the entrepreneurial carrier is more reasonable. The construction of 100 new R & D institutions has been constructed. The number of scientific and technological enterprises has reached more than 100. The human resources market system is more sound, the number of human resources service agencies has stabilized more than 2,000, and the number of people in the human resources service industry has reached 20,000.

During the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, we will bigger and strengthen manufacturing to promote employment, strengthen the function of employment in the service industry, accelerate the development of agriculture to drive employment, promote employment and entrepreneurship in the digital economy, and consolidate and enhance the role of the "main force" of employment of small and medium -sized enterprises Essence

Continue to optimize the entrepreneurial environment, promote the full coverage of the "separation of licenses and licenses", further optimize the approval service process, and provide key support for entrepreneurial enterprises with strong employment capabilities.

Cultivate the development of entrepreneurial carriers, promote the construction of Qinchuang's original innovation window, and strive for more major scientific and technological infrastructure layout Xi'an. By 2025, it will build 1-2 provincial-level home-level entrepreneurial parks.

Enrich the promotion activities of entrepreneurship, organize a high -quality Xi'an International Entrepreneurship Competition, "Maker China" SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, increase the introduction of entrepreneurial talents, and vigorously promote the entrepreneurial fashion.

Develop a new format of flexible employment, encourage traditional industries to cross -border integration and innovation in business formats, and accelerate the development of mobile travel, online education and training, Internet medical care, online entertainment and other industries. Guide flexible employment personnel to participate in the basic endowment insurance of the enterprise employees. By 2025, the participation rate of basic endowment insurance will reach more than 95%.

By 2025, urban employment proportion

Reaching more than 67%

Improve the employment level of college graduates, and encourage young groups such as college graduates to go to emerging industries, small and medium -sized enterprises, grassroots, and platform economy, sharing economy and other new formats and new models. By 2025, the implementation rate of graduates of fresh college graduates will reach more than 88%.

Promote the multi -channel transfer employment of rural labor, support the willingness of poverty alleviation to participate in skills training, and improve the basic public service levels of children's compulsory education, medical care, social security, housing, etc. By 2025, urban employment accounts for more than 67%. During the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, more than 600,000 new employment was added in cities and towns.

Strengthen the employment and entrepreneurship services of retired soldiers, guide retired soldiers to participate in vocational skills training, increase support for retired soldiers' entrepreneurial guarantee loans, and serve more than 2,000 retired soldiers employment and entrepreneurship each year. Do a good job in employment difficulties for precise assistance. By 2025, the scale of poverty alleviation will reach more than 110,000, and employment difficulties will achieve a total of 20,000 employment.

We will improve the linkage mechanism for talent training and industrial development, and promote organic education and industrial development organic connection and deep integration. Encourage schools and enterprises to jointly build a "dual -teacher" teacher training training base and teachers' practice base. By 2025, the proportion of newly increased labor for high school and above will reach 97%. In the implementation of the improvement of skill talents, during the "14th Five -Year Plan" period, the total number of subsidy vocational skills training was carried out, and the total number of professional and technical talents and the total number of high -skilled talents reached 1.2 million and 580,000, respectively.

Build a high -standard talent resource market, improve the analysis system of vocational supply and demand in the public human resources market, and timely release the city's vocational supply and demand status and prediction. Strengthen the construction of human resources service industrial parks, and provide workers and employers with one -stop services such as job search, management consulting, and human resources service outsourcing.

Strengthen the construction of grass -roots public employment and entrepreneurship service agencies, and provide enterprises with services such as employee recruitment, skills training, talent introduction, and social insurance agency. Accelerate the construction of smart employment information platforms in our city, increase the application of social security cards in the field of public employment services, and realize online and offline full -business cards.

Promote the expansion of unemployment insurance steadily

Establish an employment risk monitoring and early warning mechanism, rely on the city's unified real -name dynamic employment service system, promote full coverage of real -name registration of employment unemployment in labor age, monitor the changes in the labor market, and master the trend of labor flow.

Overall the employment subsidy funds and unemployment insurance funds, reduce the rate of unemployment and work injury insurance rates in stages, and implement the policy of stabilizing the job of unemployment insurance. Promoting the expansion of unemployment insurance, the scope of the coverage of unemployment insurance and the simultaneous development of urban and rural integration, and on the basis of continuing to consolidate the expansion of unemployment insurance, explore the insurance of flexible employment and new employment models. By 2025, the number of insureds in unemployment insurance will reach 2.49 million, and the number of participants in work injury insurance will reach 2.89 million.

Accelerate the creation of modern urban and rural circulation

And the third -level e -commerce service network

By 2025 rural circulation network covers more than 96%of administrative villages

The city government executive meeting held on the 20th reviewed and approved the "Implementation Plan on Accelerating the High -quality Development of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives". In order to help the rural revitalization, the plan proposes that by 2025, the city's supply and marketing cooperatives will connect more closely with farmers' interests, and rural circulation network covers more than 96%of administrative villages. By 2035, the city's supply and marketing cooperative's modern governance system and comprehensive service pattern will be basically formed. Accelerate the construction of modern urban and rural circulation service network system

The plan points out that the city will further accelerate the innovation of agricultural production materials supply services, create various types of agricultural service centers and crop hospitals, and strengthen formula fertilizer research and development and production base construction. By 2035, the main channel for the main channels of supply and marketing cooperative fertilizer and stability and stability price will be more obvious.

Accelerate the construction of modern urban and rural circulation service network systems, develop new types of businesses such as fresh supermarkets, smart farmers' markets, and modern logistics distribution in community, and build facilities such as sorting and packaging, refrigerated freshness, storage and transportation, and preliminary processing. By 2025, the city's supply and marketing cooperative will be closer to the interests of farmers, and the rural circulation network will cover more than 96%of administrative villages. By 2035, it will be basically built to cover the urban and rural modern circulation service network system.

Accelerate the innovation of traditional business service models, accelerate the construction of comprehensive service platforms such as central kitchen and rural tourism, and empower the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Accelerate the innovation of cold chain logistics services, vigorously develop the origin of pre -cold, storage preservation, refrigerated transportation, direct supply distribution and other services, and accelerate the cultivation of leading corporations of cold chain logistics. By 2035, the cold chain logistics service system for the supply and marketing cooperative will be basically formed.

Create "Digital Supply and Marketing" extended three -level e -commerce service network

Accelerate the innovation of agricultural product e -commerce services, create "digital supply and marketing", and extend the three -level e -commerce service network of the three levels of the district (county), street office (town), and community (village). In 2022, focusing on building five agricultural -related e -commerce companies, and promoting physical outlets such as fresh agricultural products to expand online sales. By 2035, the role of supply and marketing cooperatives in rural economic and social life will be more obvious.

Accelerate the construction of the recycling of renewable resources, encourage supply and marketing cooperatives to carry out the recycling and disposal of agricultural waste packaging, pesticide packaging material recycling, and agricultural film recycling. By 2035, the recycling of recycling resources of the supply and marketing cooperative will be basically formed.

Accelerate the construction of the grass -roots organization system, develop and strengthen the supply and marketing cooperatives (county) supply and marketing cooperatives, grass -roots supply and marketing cooperatives, and rural comprehensive service agencies (centers), and support the founding of farmers' cooperatives for supply and marketing cooperatives. Accelerate the construction of the agricultural social service system, support the cooperatives of supply and marketing cooperatives to strengthen cooperation with grass -roots agricultural promotion departments, agricultural enterprises, and rural collective economic organizations to build a new type of agricultural comprehensive service center. By 2035, the comprehensive service system will be basically formed.

Accelerate the integration of agricultural product production and sales, support the construction of agricultural products to build agricultural product and sales and sales and sales, and carry out comprehensive service platforms, and carry out the initial processing of agricultural products, deep processing, comprehensive utilization and fresh agricultural products into the city. By 2035, the new pattern of agricultural product production and sales is basically formed. Strengthen the "agriculture and rural" efforts of financial services and support supply and marketing cooperatives to carry out rural cooperative financial services. By 2035, the gallery agency has complementary advantages and resource sharing.

Accelerate the stronger company with enterprises, support the supply and marketing cooperative enterprises to undertake government reserve tasks such as disaster relief supplies and tea sales, and encourage eligible communities to participate in the policy of collecting and reserves of large agricultural products. By 2035, the dual -line operation mechanism of the supply and marketing cooperative will be basically formed.

Text: Tuoling, a full media reporter from Xi'an Newspaper Industry

Edit: Anzhi

Review: Chu Mo, Wenyue

Produced: Xi'an Newspaper Media Group

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