Li Lan: Persist in doing a good job of gathered energy for justice

Author:The highest law Time:2022.06.21

Li Lan graduated from Gansu University of Political Science and Law to work in the Qinzhou District People's Court of Tianshui in 1998, and entered the Tianshui Intermediate People's Court in 2006. Due to his outstanding work, he was selected as the representative of the seventh party congress of Tianshui City in 2016. In 2017, he was selected as the 13th Party Congress of Gansu Province, and was selected as the 14th Women's Congress of the Provincial Fourteen Women's Congress in 2018. In July 2021, it was rated as an outstanding Communist Party member of Gansu Province by the Gansu Provincial Party Committee. Remember his third -class merit twice, and was rated as "Young Jobs" by the Tianshui Municipal Committee and Municipal Party Committee, and was rated as the "March Eight Red Banner" by the Tianshui Women's Federation. During the person in charge of the trial management office The People's Court was rated as "National Court of Court" and was rated as "Advanced Collective of the Provincial Court" by the Gansu Provincial Higher People's Court in 2019. "Excellent business units of trial management", in early 2022, Li Lan won the honorary title of "Double Hundred Political and Law and British Model" in the country.

Promote harmony for judicial tenderness for the people

"Try to take the most convenient method as possible to solve the problem required by the parties." This is the most commonly mentioned sentence of Li Lan as the head of the two courts. Remember the true embodiment of her heart, she puts herself in the masses, intersects them, understand their litigation psychology and expectations, and specifies and guides in a timely manner.

Li Lan took over the re -audit case of electricity damage compensation. The plaintiff could not take care of himself due to electric shocks. He could not take care of himself. The wounded father had long petitions with the injured. The power supply department requested high compensation. Essence

Li Lan has traveled to the scene, visited experts, and visited the masses, and repeatedly communicated with the plaintiff's father with jurisprudence and reason.

In the lawsuit, the plaintiff's father had three packets from his home, and he couldn't say how many amounts of bills he had made for evidence, and even a bus ticket of 1 yuan was no exception. Li Lan came down and took a week to organize, classify and bind the bills of bills carried by the plaintiff's father for a week, and binded them in a total of 4,000. When the plaintiff's father saw a neatly pasted bill, he finally said in his heart: "Judge Li, it's really tired of you, I believe you will not bid to them!" In the end, the plaintiff's father also realized that his child's office There is a fault that reduces the claim from 5 million yuan to 2 million yuan.

During the case judgment, Li Lan analyzed, explained and determined more than 4,000 evidences of the case. When the plaintiff's father saw a 36 -page judgment, he couldn't help crying. It is the conscience of the judge facing the dispute, and it is also the original intention of the Communist Party members. This judgment is highly evaluated by the Provincial High Court.

Doing it is true as a matter of just writing justice

"The small case is connected to the big people's livelihood, and the party and party members are connected in the eyes of the people." This is August 2019. As a representative of outstanding party members and excellent judges, Li Lan is advanced in the province's "not forgetting the original intention and keeping your mission". A sentence mentioned at the deed report.

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2017, Li Lan accepted a case of health rights. The original defendant's surname was the same as the village. Due to the problem of the treatment of hoods and livestock, one party was accidentally injured. Words, it is difficult to distinguish between right and wrong.

Li Lan felt that she had to conduct a field inspection, so she and her colleagues set off on schedule on the day of the day of the moon. The comrades of her peers thought that the snow was too big and the mountain road was difficult. The next day, Li Lan felt that she had promised the masses and could not speak. The police cars couldn't move forward at the foot of the mountain, only walking. After more than an hour of climbing, after arriving at the scene, the cold weather, the muddy pavement stirred in the winter of the winter sun, the judge's frozen face, the scene of Li Lan's new leather shoes changed the scene, deeply moved the parties and the surroundings around The masses said, "The Communist Party cadres are so good, and they are ignored in order to give us nothing."

Through on -site surveys, under the watch of nearly a hundred villagers, Li Lan conducted a reasonable analysis on the case of the case. The two sides shook hands and said peacefully. Instead, the plaintiff apologized to the defendant in the improper words and deeds in the dispute. On the way back, colleagues joked: "A pair of new leather shoes, snow cement slurry bubbles, in exchange for the people's real laugh."

Li Lan also can't remember how many times such a zero -distance contact with the masses. With this sincerity, she repeatedly resolved the confusion and doubts of the parties in the handling of the case. None of the 324 cases were targeted at personal petition complaints.

Choose the burden of innovation and development to improve

After the epidemic, Li Lan actively took the initiative to respond to the call of the higher court on online lawsuits. On February 13, 2021, the first mallet of the Tianshui Court's Internet trial was sounded. On February 20, Li Lan also organized the completion of the online trial committee. The case report and voted, and the whole process was completed online. Since then, seven county courts have sounded the first mallet of cloud trial within a week.

Behind the high -tech court trial is her responsibility and responsibility as a party member. She dug and read in advance of the case, penetrate the case, and be patiently connected with the engineer, and does not let go of every difference. Guide the judge assistant and clerk conducting trial simulation tests to ensure that the trial was conducted smoothly. The acting lawyer who participated in the trial of the trial said earnestly: "Seemingly ordinary working links, which combined to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people, allowing the people to feel fairness and justice in each judicial case." Since then, Li Lan Lan actively promotes online lawsuits, writes online litigation specifications, provides guidance for the norms of online litigation, formulates the implementation opinions of the business environment for the development of commercial trials to serve the economic development, and the people's court provides ten articles to promote re -production and re -production. Opinions, including 7 guidance, have continuously improved the normalization of the normalized epidemic prevention and control measures. In touch with a group of enterprises such as Tianshui Huarong and Yongsheng Company, I will contact the information form and legal enterprises to jointly build contact cards to serve private enterprises and serve the development of enterprises. In the Gansu Bank and the Star Rights Club Factory, eight enterprises have conducted lectures on preventing legal risks, and the listeners have reached more than a thousand people to help private enterprises enhance their awareness of rule of law. Hold a symposium on the city's key backbone enterprises and private entrepreneurs, issued 30 tips for corporate prevention of operating legal risks, set up special classes with the Federation of Industry and Commerce, jointly issued the implementation opinions of "stabilizing enterprises to promote development", and set up finance with the Tianshui Banking Regulatory Bureau. The dispute mediation center, issued the implementation opinions of multiple solution to the income, followed the implementation of major policies, the construction of major projects, and the promotion of major tasks, and effectively ensured the strong and orderly development of the economic and social development of judicial trial services.

Source: Gansu Provincial Higher People's Court and People's Court News Media Headquarters

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