The mission of bravery is in the new era of youth to build a new era -the fourth phase of the provincial financial system youth outstanding talent training class opening class

Author:Shandong Finance Time:2022.06.21

Recently, the two weeks of the provincial financial system youth outstanding talent training class held a class at the Provincial Cadre Academy. Comrades and 72 students participated.

Liu Xingyun pointed out that strengthening the cultivation of young talents is an urgent need for the development of fiscal undertakings, and it is also a long -term consideration based on the current situation of cadre teams and focusing on optimizing the ladder structure. In the three years since the implementation of the talent training plan, nearly 200 people have been trained. Starting last year, it was included in the key training plan of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, listed as a normalized key class.

Liu Xingyun emphasized that since 2018, the party group of the department has proposed the requirements of high standing, large structure, wide vision, truth -making, and positive work requirements. Young cadres in fiscal youth must learn from the benchmark, internalize the heart, externalization, and do a good job in implementation in specific work, and comprehensively refine their diligence, pioneering innovation, hard work, efficient, rigorous and meticulous, high -quality services, unity, harmony, integrity, integrity, clean and honest The good style, continuously improve the ability to perform their duties, and strive to grow into an excellent financial cadre.

Liu Xingyun requested that during the training period, students must strictly adhere to discipline, study hard, strengthen exchanges, and learn to use, show the vigorous and vigorous financial cadres. The task goals of the front and new bureaus contribute to the task goals, and strive to run the best achievements of the young generation on the youth track, and welcome the 20th victory of the party with actual actions.

Ma Lindao pointed out in his speech that fiscal talent work is an important part of the province's cadre talent work. As the first training class undertaken by the Provincial Party Committee Talent Symposium, the holding of this training course is not only an important measure for the provincial financial department to effectively implement the talent work deployment of the provincial party committee, but also the financial system to effectively strengthen the construction of the talent team. The powerful manifestation is the vivid practice of the provincial department's exploration and strengthening professional ability construction.

In the next two weeks, the trainees will listen to the leaders and experts of the Ministry of Finance, the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration), as well as the relevant responsible comrades to teach on -site lectures, receive party education, and conduct exchanges and discussions. The trainees unanimously stated that they will seriously participate in various activities, consolidate the theoretical foundation, explore the truth of truth, refine the excellent style, strengthen communication, learn from each other, pioneer for enterprising, bravely carry out their mission, and contribute to the promotion of financial reform and development with practical actions.

Supply: Personnel Office

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