Weihai Business Bank 丨 Passing District: Zero distance between government services and convenient to send the countryside to the countryside

Author:Weihai News Network Time:2022.06.21

A few days ago, the "Party Building Development and Development Alliance" members of the Economic and Technological Innovation Bureau, the Economic Development Zone Taxation Bureau, and the Economic Development Zone Economic Development Management Brigade of the Weihai Economic Development Zone Administrative Examination and Economic Development Management Brigade jointly distributed more than 20 party members and cadres and business backbones, and The Government of Laoshan Town has carried out a "zero distance between government services and the convenience of sending the Fa to the countryside" volunteer service to serve rural activities, allowing the masses to experience high -quality government services at close range, further understand the results of benefiting enterprises and convenience, and improve the awareness of policies and regulations.

The event focuses on commercial registration, food management, taxation, pension and medical insurance policies, human resources, anti -fraud knowledge and other contents that are closely related to the production and life of the masses. In other ways, explain, communicate, and communicate with the masses face -to -face, zero distance.

In order to allow the masses to "interest", "understand", "mastering fast", party members and cadres and business backbones use "big vernacular" that are easy to understand, and "pull the family" in detail, patient, and intuitively explain the policy. Regulations, demonstration operation processes, and questioning questions, enhance the masses' understanding of government service work, and enhance the sense of learning, usage, compliance, and law -abiding awareness.

After the event, the party branch of the Party Branch of the Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau of the Development Zone walked into the Party and Mass Activity Center of Laoshan Zhongcun, and exchanged the relevant work such as joint party building activities and assistance to mutual assistance. In the next step, the Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau of the Economic Development Zone will continue to focus on the needs of the enterprise, and regularly carry out various forms of promotional activities for the benefit enterprises and convenience policies. The business environment and government service policies and good services are sent to the door of the enterprise. (Hi Weihai client reporter Yang Hui correspondent Wang Ning Wang Yiqing)

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Ningming County Meteorological Observatory lifted the fog yellow warning signal [III level/heavier]

Ningming County Meteorological Observatory lifted the fog yellow warning signal at 08:50 on June 09, 2022.

Looking forward to the Shandong Provincial Tourism Development Conference, Jining will accompany you to countdown!

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