12 support teams in the town are awesome!Pingyuan rural rejuvenation new vitality

Author:Southern Rural News Time:2022.06.21

In June in midsummer, with the third "rural revitalization platform" in Guangdong Province entered the fiery PK stage, the world ancestor of the world Hakka culture and a bright pearl in the northeast of Guangdong Province — Pingyuan County, Meizhou City once again caused all sectors of society to Warm attention.

Entering the "Exquisite Town" Damei Pingyuan, the fragrance of wine, tea, and orange fragrance mixes the fruity aroma. Slowly began ... Following the pace of reporters from the Southern Rural Daily, from the perspective of helping the town Fucun Working Team in the town, see how Pingyuan Village can achieve beautiful butterfly changes.

Pingyuan Village Bird's Episode

Pingyuan welcomes the big harvest


Building the bottom line of preventing poverty monitoring

"I did not expect that the town to help the town Fucun work team settled so soon, and the help work was carried out so quickly ..." Chen Zhixiong, deputy secretary of the party committee in charge of rural rejuvenation in Renju Town, Pingyuan County, lamented. As the only provincial direct assistance team in Pingyuan County, the Political Work Bureau of the Guangdong Provincial Military Region and the Guangdong Academy of Posts and Telecommunications Vocational and Technical College arrived in the town on June 30, 2021. The leadership group of Renju Town Rural Revitalization work, study and formulate the "Renju Town Rural Revitalizing Town Help Village Working Team Working Mechanism" and other systems to ensure that rural revitalization work is well -dependent on, with chapters.

The work team in Renju Town is a microcosm of the town of the town in Pingyuan County to carry out the town to help the town. In June last year, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government issued the "Work Plan for Fucun, the Rural Revitalizing Town in Guangdong Province" to innovate the work of rural revitalization in the town to help the village. Each town in Pingyuan County actively responded to the call, and 7 key assistance towns were assisted by provincial units, Guangzhou, and Meizhou units. In accordance with the consolidation and improvement of the town, a total of 12 members of the town helped the town Fucun team quickly put them in place to achieve the full coverage of the unity and pairing assistance, and comprehensively promoted the strong town Xingcun.

Instant condolences to the work team in Renju Town

Cooperate with the town government to conduct normalized monitoring of poverty alleviation households, the edge of poor households, and severe difficulties, and other difficulties. Through the hook of the village working team members to the poverty -stricken monitoring objects, study and formulate scientific assistance plans, take targeted targeted Assistance measures ... Precise and hard -working "Poverty Alleviation Network", consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation is the primary task of the work team in the towns in Pingyuan County at this stage. For example, by raising 23,000 yuan in the reconstruction of the construction department and a total of 40,000 yuan for other assistance funds, a total of 63,000 yuan to implement a dangerous house renovation project on the edge of a household. In order to buy medical insurance for 257 people from the original stall card and the edge of the poverty -stricken households, it helps the original establishment of the file without labor and poverty alleviation households and 47 people who return poverty -stricken monitoring targets to buy medical insurance supplementary insurance.

Pingyuan farm house residential house transformation

In the practice of rural rejuvenation, the town helped the town Fucun work team not only as a assistant personnel for the development of towns and towns, but also played an important role in coordinating the superior government and relevant departments.

"At present, the formal document has been issued, and the next step is to open a work deployment meeting and prepare to carry out work." "Liaison officers", strengthen communication and docking with the nine military divisions (police districts) and 15 people's departments in the Provincial Military Region and the Pearl River Delta, and strive to introduce more funds with high -quality industries, education, medical, and talent resources in the Pearl River Delta region. Help people with difficulties, improve education levels, improve infrastructure, develop collective economy and consumer assistance.

Grasp industry

Promote the wealth of farmers

"Aber, why don't the peppers in this place pick up? I think many of them have withered." "Now peppers are not sold better than last year, the selling price is not enough to be artificial. The ground is. "Liao Gaoping, the captain of the working team in Renju Town, recalled a dialogue between him to investigate his dialogue with pepper growers.

The sales channels are narrow and the local supply and demand relationship is unbalanced. In order to solve the problem of sales, the work team in Renju Town explores the new path of consumption assistance, and has been updated many times and eventually formed "Consumption to help high -quality agricultural products list list" including navel orange, passion fruit, rice, honey, and tea oil. Regional consumer assistance alliances, Guangdong Tongfu, Guangzhou Traffic Investment, Southern Youpin and other state -owned enterprise trade unions and consumer assistance platforms. Yuan, increased collective income of more than 100,000 yuan for town and villages.

Investigation of the work team in Renju Town to go to the countryside

In the flat ground, high -quality rice, sweet potatoes in high mountains, and planting ganoderma lucidum ... In order to revitalize the deserted land and promote the diversified development of the industry, the work teams in the towns stationed in Pingyuan County are integrated and good. For example, the working team stationed in Renju Town combined with the re -cultivation of wasteland, introducing the development of Guangdong Hengliang Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. in Jingxia Village to develop 50 acres of silk seedlings for the order planting base; introduce Guangzhou Growth Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. Building 80 acres (including 53 acres of wasteland) high -mountain sweet potato planting bases, radiation drives about 160 surrounding people, with an annual output value of 430,000 yuan; the introduction of Guangdong's original ecological agriculture Co., Ltd. and Malou village enterprises to build 20 acres of forests The under -imitation wild ganoderma planting base, with a total investment of about 200,000 yuan, an annual output value of 800,000 yuan, achieving large -scale production, standardized management, and deep processing. The eight -foot town, known as the "Pingyuan Eight -foot Wine", is located in the protection area of ​​the Dongjiangyuan water system. How to balance the local economic development and green ecology is a question of continuous thinking since the entry of the work of the Eight Town. Zhong Yankai, the captain of the work team in Babe Town, told the South Rural Daily reporter that due to the policy restrictions of the Dongjiangyuan Reserve, the industrial development of the town is mainly based on the development of green ecology, coupled with the lack of labor force and low consumption level. The economic development of the village is not ideal. "The annual income of the collective economy of some villages has not even reached 100,000 yuan."

Painting enthusiasts come to Pingyuan for creation

"Photovoltaic power generation is an industry with high stability, low maintenance costs, and low risk, which meets the actual needs of local ecological protection." After widespread investigation and in -depth investigation, the work team in the eight -foot town is adapted to local conditions and the village policy is due to the village. The first industrial project to improve the collective economic income of the village-solar photovoltaic power generation, with the 600 square meter area of ​​the top 600 square meters of the government agency-Babe Town Traffic Police Squadron as the installation land, and the members of the Meizhou Tobacco Monopoly Bureau of Meizhou City donated 52 10,000 yuan as construction funds. As of now, the construction of photovoltaic power generation facilities has been basically completed. It is currently applying for grid. It is expected that the annual annual annual income of the village to increase the collective income of 60,000 yuan can be increased to Kadkeng Village.

As the village of Yang Yuhua, the first secretary of the Meizhou Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, it has a long history and planting foundation for Tobacco Planting. "Based on this, we have increased their support for the tobacco planting industry of Grandkeng Village and continue to expand the scale of planting." Yang Yuhua said that in order to vigorously develop the rural industry of rich farmers, Jiaokeng Village has actively launched the masses, which will successfully set up about 110 acres of land this year to 110 acres of land this year. It is used for tobacco planting to increase the income of 600,000 yuan in tobacco planting. "For us, Jiaokeng Village, as a pilot village, has achieved the effect of exceeding expectations." He shared the joy.

Tobacco leaf picking site in Jiaokeng Village, Baibi Town, Pingyuan County

Today, when you enter Pingyuan, the fragrance of wine, tea fragrance, and orange fragrance are mixed with fruity aroma, and it is refreshing ... Relying on the unique resource advantages, Pingyuan County has vigorously developed navel orange and southern medicine modern agriculture in recent years. The characteristic industries such as the industrial park and the "one village, one product", have the ancient post road in Meizhou, Meizhou, which are in Kokeng Village, Dongjiangyuan in the village, the mulberry, fig and "366" modern e -commerce agricultural base of Huangsha Village, and the "366" modern e -commerce agricultural base. A touch of Hexiang Wine Industry, Shangyuan Tea Farm, Feilong Village Navel Orange and Wild Ganoderma Land Factory, Red Army Street in Renju Village, the Red Fourth Army Memorial Hall, Weihua Tea Heart Valley in Jingxia Village, Passion Fruit of Wufu Village, Grand Qian Village and The tourist homestays of Jiafeng Village achieved the integration of the first two and three industries.

According to statistics, as of now, Pingyuan County has invested a total of 18.46 million yuan in special funds, supporting 32 villages to develop the characteristic industries of Fuminxing Village, and created 18 professional villages and towns in the provincial "one village, one product, one town and one industry". 16 professional villages and 2 professional towns have vigorously promoted the development of local characteristic industries and effectively promoted the wealth of farmers.

Pingyuan rural characteristic wall painting

Abide by people's livelihood

Build a beautiful countryside

"The funding funds can only be used on the blade." It is committed to "focusing on key points, supplementing shortcomings, and strong weaknesses". Special funds, or self -raising funds, do a good job of people's livelihood, focus on solving the problem of the masses' urgency and anxiety, continue to improve the construction level of local infrastructure, toilet revolution, sewage governance, and improvement. Livable.

The work team in Renju Town makes full use of self -raised funds to restore the two water Shenzhen with a total length of 3.6 kilometers in Jingxia Village and Shangyuan Village to solve the problem of irrigation problems of 440 acres of farmland. The aid of the provincial military region of the provincial military region was rated by the Ministry of Education, the Political Work Department of the Military Commission, and one of the 7 "August Aimin Schools" announced by the National Doubles and National Double Words. Cultivate a series of activities such as the "Little Comptersman", and build a national defense education cultural corridor consisting of the founding general, red story, heavy country heavy weapon, and typical four sections around them.

Corporation of Defense Education Cultural Corridor in Renju Town

The work team stationed in Baiba Town used the special funds of the Mizhou Tobacco Monopoly Bureau to implement the water drinking project of Kadkeng Village, adding three drinking water points such as Blue Wo Lili, Shangshui Film, and Yinping Film to build a pressure storage pool in the village group; in The new rural construction pilot project is installed with 40 solar street lights at 1.7 kilometers of the main road of Chengkengli, Bawei Village, and implemented a road hard bottoming project with a 300 -meter -wide and 3.5 -meter wide and 3.5 -meter wide and 3.5 -width.

The work team in the Township Town uses special funds for rural rejuvenation to purchase the services of third -party companies, check the construction of the infrastructure of villages, establish the infrastructure construction project database of various villages, and improve the public infrastructure of rural areas. 5 public toilets and so on ... Eight Township held the Nanyue Ancient Post Road Orientation Contest

"The villages are picturesque, and they are beautiful." -The realistic portrayal of the rural style of Pingyuan County, and it is also the real feeling of the work team in the township team in Pingyuan County.

As early as 2018, Pingyuan County launched the "20+10" demonstration village, 59 "four" villages, and "two -line eight towns" demonstration construction, creating a group of beautiful villages with beauty, beauty, and co -China. The demonstration driving effect of "comprehensive and neat, beautiful along the line, villages and villages", and achieved 100%of the county's administrative village in the county to build a clean and tidy village, more than 60%of the administrative villages to build a beautiful and livable village, 10 administrative villages to build the characteristics The joy of the boutique village.

By 2021, Pingyuan County focused on the construction of a beautiful rural style belt with a total length of 65 kilometers, the beautiful rural boutique belt, and the "three belt" construction of the rural revitalization demonstration belt. Memory beautiful rural style belts have been completed, and have been awarded the demonstration zone of the beautiful rural situation in Guangdong Province, realized more than 9,100 households in the micro -transformation of farm houses, covering 33 administrative villages, and benefiting 9777 households and 35069 people.

Dongjiangyuan style in Haixia Village, Badai Town

"Next, the work team continues to do a good job of ecological protection." Zhong Yankai told the South Rural Daily reporter that in order to promote the ecological environment of the town and villages, the work team stationed in the eight -foot town combined with the actual actual protection area of ​​the county seat of the county town. The Meizhou Environment Bureau of Meizhou Municipal Environment has successfully applied for special funds for 4 million yuan in environmental projects in 2022, and has jointly collaborated on the Meizhou Ecological and Environment Bureau and other professionals to carry out water sources testing and environmental protection supervision. The forest system, do a good job of daily sanitation cleaning and infrastructure management. "In order to increase ecological protection, we contacted the company's resource utilization of the lesion of the brewing waste prooficure in Bayi Town winery, and the cooperation is currently undergoing negotiation." He added.

[Reporter] Li Zuyu

[Picture] Pingyuan County Agricultural and Rural Bureau and the assistance teams in the towns provided

【Source】 South China Rural Report

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