Build a beautiful geese tower | By leverage intellectual property to promote high -quality development of the economy

Author:Yanta Rong Media Time:2022.06.21

In order to actively promote the transfer and transformation of intellectual property rights, promote the high -quality development of the regional economy. Recently, the first batch of "Yanta District Patent Open License Catalog" was released at the same period at the Government Service Center of Yanta District, Qin Chuangyuan · Yanta · Enterprise Service Tackling Center, and Street Office.

The number of universities and research institutes in Yanta District is large, with more than 30,000 patents an annual application. In order to improve the effectiveness of the transformation of patent projects and reduce the cost of corporate research and development, the District Market Supervision Bureau Joint District Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau and other units to give full play to the advantages of "big data+government services", and in the "Catalog", timely announced the 35 free free of charge of the resident university. Patented projects.

The patent project announced this time is mainly concentrated in the new generation of information technology industries, new energy industries and manufacturing industries, with a total of 35 projects. Through inquiry "Catalog", companies can find patented projects that are suitable for themselves, and they can get technical support for free. This can effectively alleviate the pressure of corporate scientific research funds, accelerate the transformation of patented technology to the production of enterprises, and help enterprises achieve technological updates at lower costs.

"This event is a useful attempt to promote industrialization and marketization of innovation achievements!" Said Wang Ting, head of the district market supervision bureau. In the next step, the bureau will open up cooperation channels for enterprises and universities in the jurisdiction through the national intellectual property operation public service platform. By deepening the mechanism of school -enterprise cooperation, accelerating the transformation of patent technology from rights to income, and promoting high -quality economic development.

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