Send safety and promote civilization!Cui Ping Street Carrypted Traffic Safety Propaganda Activities

Author:Large and small news Time:2022.06.21

Small News Client June 21 (YMG All -Media Reporter Zhao Weifei Correspondent Song Jie Photography Report) In order to further improve the safety awareness of traffic safety and build road traffic safety defense lines in various villages. Recently, Cuiping Street, Qixia relies on the streets. The inner rural traffic safety persuasion station builds a traffic safety propaganda position, and join hands with the rural traffic safety persuasion guidance to actively carry out publicity and persuasion activities.

Street staff and persuasion have given full play to the work functions of declaration, investigation, persuasion, and correction, and distribute publicity materials such as "one helmet, one area, rural safety travel brochure" to the people of the past. Combined with local cases, through the rural speakers, to explain the dangers of drunk drunk drunk driving, unlicensed, unlicensed, super -load, overload, and tractors such as vehicles and tractors. Put the banner, advocate villagers' resistance to uncivilized transportation, and guide the general public to consciously abide by road traffic regulations to ensure the safety of their lives and property.

The development of rural traffic safety promotion activities has further enhanced the masses' awareness of civilization and the rule of law, and laid a solid foundation for the smooth and orderly road traffic environment in the streets. In the next step, Cuiping Street will further innovate the form of publicity, continue to carry out traffic safety publicity activities, and effectively enhance the masses' "knowing dangers to avoid risk aversion". Essence

Editor in charge: Zhao Weiwei

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