Do a good job of safety!From the morning of June 22 to the 23rd, there are obvious rainfall weather in our province, and local heavy rainstorms

Author:Jilin Daily Time:2022.06.22

Today, the reporter learned in the Provincial Department of Emergency Management that from the morning of June 22 to 23, the weather in our province will have obvious rainfall weather. There will be heavy rain and local heavy rains in the southern part of the central region. In order to effectively respond to heavy rainfall weather and do a good job of safety precautions, the Office of the Provincial Safety Committee and the Provincial Emergency Management Department issued emergency notifications.

The notice pointed out that this strong precipitation is mainly concentrated from noon to night on the 22nd. There are heavy rain in Siping, southern Changchun, southern Jilin, Liaoyuan, northern Tonghua, and west of Yanbian. 80 to 110 mm in some areas, some areas, and the maximum single -point process of precipitation can reach about 140 mm, and the maximum 1 hour rain can reach 30 to 50 mm. There are heavy thunderous rain, and the process precipitation is 15-30 mm. On the 24th-25th, it turned into a mandatory rainfall. Most of the province had shower or thunderstorms, and some places were accompanied by thunderstorms, short-term heavy precipitation, hail and other strong convective weather.

The notice requires that all localities and relevant departments should firmly establish the "two supremacy" concepts, further strengthen the awareness of red line consciousness, responsibility, and risk awareness, effectively strengthen the organization and leadership of the safety production during the flood season, and compact the safety responsibility and conduct supervision pressure. It is necessary to thoroughly analyze the characteristics of production safety during the flood season in the region and the industry, re -deploy, promote, and implement the safety of production safety during the flood season, focus on checking the lack of missing, eliminating blind spots, blocking loopholes, and implementing various waterlogging, prevention of prevention, prevention of prevention, prevention Method, rainproof, windproof measures. It is necessary to strengthen the safety of the public domain, highlight the supervision of key areas, and strengthen the safety propaganda and early warning, so as to achieve advance prevention and strict prevention and control in place, and ensure that there are no dead accidents.

The notice emphasized that all localities and relevant departments and units should strengthen emergency duty and strictly implement the 24 -hour duty and information submission system for leading cadres. It is necessary to pay close attention to the changes in heavy rainfall weather, strengthen business judgment, and take effective measures to prevent disaster prevention and avoidance in the first time. It is necessary to further improve the emergency plan to respond to catastrophic weather such as heavy rainfall, strengthen rescue drills, effectively enhance the scientific, targeted and effective of the plan, and ensure that each link is in place. To ensure smooth information connection and find that due to extreme weather such as heavy rain, wind, lightning, and other major emergencies, they must be reported and disposed of in a timely manner in a timely manner in a timely manner. Emergency management departments at all levels should coordinate and coordinate fire rescue and professional rescue teams to actively prepare for duty, and make timely allocation of emergency materials to ensure that once an accident occurs, it can be dealt with in time, scientific and effective.

Author: Jilin Daily All Media Reporter Sun Huanyu

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