Just now, Quanzhou Disease Control announced 129 night service nucleic acid samples

Author:Quanzhou Evening News Time:2022.06.22

In order to do a good job of preventing and controlling the patient, implement the important requirements of "the epidemic must prevent, the economy must be stabilized, and the development must be safe". At the same time, the nucleic acid testing services are more convenient.Services, the "key population" should be checked, and the specific distribution and sampling time shall be detailed.Citizens with nucleic acid testing needs to bring their ID cards and sample according to the announced sampling time.When you go to sampling, please cooperate with the prevention and control measures such as temperature measurement and bright code. Wearing a mask throughout the journey, keep it from others for more than 1 meter distance.

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Source: Quanzhou Disease Control Editor: Zeng Qichang review: Wu Zehua

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