Xiangshan County has trained more than 630 job crew members

Author:Xiangshan County Media Center Time:2022.06.22

Reporter Chen Jiawen

Correspondent Zhili Staying Shao Shuhao

"The operation of boarding must be performed, and a certificate must be obtained through regular training. You cannot follow the crooked door ..." In the past few days, at Ningbo Marine Vocational and Technical School, a crew certificate training is ongoing. It is understood that Xiangshan County has made full use of fishing boats to enter the golden period of Hong Kong. It has carried out 9 periods of training in various types of job crew members, and 631 trainers have been trained to ensure that the ship is available and appropriate after the fishing.

Xiangshan County's fishing boats are large, the crew is scarce, and the captain and position crew are strong in professionalism, and there are long characteristics of training. In order to go to the sea as soon as possible, some fishermen are eager for convenience. They choose to entrust the so -called "intermediary" to handle it. They can obtain a certificate of crew members such as captains, large deputys, and chiefs of the wheel without training. Since the launch of the "Spring Thunder Action" in January this year, Xiangshan County has seized a total of 5 of the fishery ship crew members' suspected trading and used forgery of ships with 5 cases of duties. All of them were transferred to the public security department for further trial. According to relevant laws and regulations, the relevant personnel were punished by administrative detention by the public security department for 15 days.

In response to this phenomenon, Xiangshan County has greatly increased the education and other content of fishermen's safety awareness education on the basis of conducting driving theory classes and taking real -time courses. , Training, examinations, and issuing certificates, promote the importance of "holding the certificate", and remind the captain of the shipowner to implement the main responsibility. At the same time, strengthen the discipline of the training examination for fishery crew members, carefully review the qualifications and work qualifications of fishery crew members, and strictly take the approval level to escort fishery safety.

The relevant person in charge of the County Water Conservancy and Fisheries Bureau said that when the captains of the shipowners recruited the crew, if they found that the crew's certificate was different, they could go to the fishery administration department to verify and inquire. At the same time, reminding the majority of fishermen, the crew certificate is an important certificate that the crew must hold on the ship, and the crew to obtain the corresponding job crew must be legally compliant. Holding a fake certificate on the ship's work does not have the corresponding appropriate ability and qualifications, it will cause major hidden safety hazards to the safety of ships and crews, the safety of sailing, and the waters environment, and will be severely punished by the law.

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